In order to achieve our sonic goals, it was decided that we would not
add acoustic ambience this time. Rickard had just purchased an Even-
tide Harmonizer "Orville" unit and spent considerable time creating
some very significant environments for the drum sounds. The resulting
sounds are very rich and colorful.
The Noisy kit – We wanted to cre-
ate a modern drum sound using tra-
ditional drums. These instruments
are very small but along with the
boom-box effect they sound much
bigger than they really are. We ex-
perimented a lot with different digi-
tal effects and came up with a
sound that we think will last. The
snares are a thin, high pitched pic-
colo and a small 10" mini-snare.
Some of the cymbals are rare vin-
tage instruments that are almost
impossible to find anywhere today,
while others are modern, noisy
sounding instruments that have
seen better days...
A red Slingerland "Radio
King" (the world's most re-
corded snare drum), a black
handmade snare drum from
Hanus & Hert in Prague and a
Slingerland copper snare
Groove Agent