3 General functional description
The measuring method is based on a runtime measurement (in the ultrasonic range). The
ultrasound propagation runtime is proportional to the distance and is processed in an
evaluation unit. A ferro-magnetic conductor is tensioned and supplied with a current pulse
(magnetostrictive measuring element – wave guide) inside a tubular cable protection. From
the current pulse, a radial magnetic field arises around the conductor.
The Position Transmitter (permanent magnet) is a non-contact and wear-free magnetic
measurement system, which produces an axial magnetic field with regard to the wire. When
the two magnetic fields meet at the measuring point moving radially from the wire and axially
from the magnet, then a torsion pulse will be generated.
The resulting torsion pulse spreads out from the sensor with constant ultrasonic speed,
moving along the waveguide in both directions. Over a sensing element in the sensor head
the ultrasonic sound signal is recorded and converted into an electrical way-proportional
output signal.
The measured delay between sending out the current pulse until the torsion pulse arrives is
converted into a proportional output signal and makes this available as a digital or analogue
Status: 2018-01-03
HLT 1100-R2- xxx-F13-xxxx-S2PD-000
Part No.: 669939