- NTP Mode: one of three modes may be selected:
o Unicast: The clock queries the NTP server to retrieve the time. The server address is
entered in the IP Address field.
It is also possible to set up redundancy (if the first server does not respond, the
second is queried, and so on): for this purpose up to 5 server addresses may be entered
(IP addresses or DNS name with its domain name).
Periodicity is the frequency with which the server is queried.
o Multicast: In this case, the NTP server broadcast the time on the multicast address that
was that given to it. The multicast address of the clients (reveivers) must be the same that the
one on which the server broadcasts.
By default, the Bodet products transmit or receive using the multicast address:
The multicast addresses are included between and
o By DHCP: Same mode as Unicast except that the addresses of the NTP servers are gather
automatically via the DHCP server (option 42 on the DHCP server).
- Address 1 to 5: add the IP address or the DNS name of the NTP server with its domain name.
The Save buttons save the configuration data entered.