damaged, or for example, the casing is broken
or the device has been opened, it leads to the
loss of all warranty claims. The same applies to
any use of force on the device, which causes in-
terior damage of the smoke alarm device with
radio link (e.g. electronics) even if the exterior
shows no sign of damage.
If the smoke alarm device with radio link is
contaminated externally and/or internally by
adhesions (excessively soiled), it leads to the
loss of all warranty claim. Paints and similar
substances on the surface of the device and
inside the casing/sensor system of the smoke
alarm device with radio link are considered
contamination. In addition, adhesions such as
fire residues (e.g. soot), nicotine and grease
deposits, which have led to the obvious dis-
coloration of the device, are also categorized
as a contamination, and lead to the loss of all
warranty claims. (The decorations / painting
work, which are thereby exclusively limited to
the purpose of covering the test / stop but-
ton, are excluded from warranty exclusion!)
Especially nicotine and grease condensate are
not only deposited onto the exterior surface
of the device, but also onto the surfaces of
the optical sensor components of the smoke
alarm device with radio link. Particularly there,
the adhesion of condensates leads to the pre-
mature impairment of the optical properties
of the sensor components, which the smoke
alarm device with radio link can only compen-
sate by means of autonomous recalibration
within the physical limits.
Moisture damage / corrosion:
If the smoke alarm device with radio link,
and particularly its electronics, is damaged by
moisture of any kind, it leads to the loss of all
warranty claims. Moisture is not only the ex-
posure to a fluid, but also the constant expo-
sure of the device to excessive air humidity (>
70%), because exposure to excessive humidity
(e.g. steam/cooking vapor) drains the battery
on the one hand, thus significantly shortening
the battery life. On the other hand, fluids and
high humidity can damage the electronics of
the smoke alarm device with radio link by
causing corrosion.
Thermal damage:
If the smoke alarm device with radio link is ex-
posed to a temperature below 0°C or above
70°C briefly or constantly, it leads to the loss
of all warranty claims. In particular, no warran-
ty is given for devices that were exposed to
high temperatures and flue gases during a fire.
Damage to the device resulting from frost/cold,
are not covered by the warranty, the same as
heat damage.
Excessive load on the battery:
Insofar as the smoke alarm device with ra-
dio link is operated in the vicinity of other
electronic, radio-based equipment, and the
minimum distance between such devices and
the smoke alarm device with radio link, which
is specified in this user manual is regularly or
permanently exceeded, this can lead to pre-
mature consumption of the battery capacity.
Such, improper use of the smoke alarm device
with radio link is coupled with the loss of any
relevant warranty service.
Also, the excessive load on the battery ca-
pacity due to the frequent triggering of signal
tones (more than once a month) or the re-
peated change / set up a wireless group, more
than four times in 12 years, as well as the re-
peated triggering of a wireless group alarm
signal, more than four times in 12 years, in
each case for more than 15 minutes, can due
to the associated battery-consumption lead to
premature consumption of the battery capac-
ity, and the concomitant loss of any relevant
warranty claims.
Please verify on your part, prior to asserting
a warranty claim, whether at least one of the
above grounds for warranty exclusion is given,
and you should moreover in the case of the
assertion of a warranty claim also ensure that
there are sufficient technical capabilities availa-
ble that can be used to determine, if the smoke
alarm device with radio link was really treated
as intended and therefore whether the war-
ranty claim is as such justified or unjustified.
The Pyrexx Technologies GmbH expressly re-
serves the right to invoice whomever asserts
a warranty claim, although at least one of the
above warranty exclusion grounds is given,
for the costs associated with the necessary
technical examination of the facts of the case