bit of persistence all pets will learn to use the pet door.
First follow the instructions in section 14 and put the pet door in custom mode 1 (use as
a non-selective pet door). This will allow it to start using the pet door without any noise
from the locks.
If it is still unwilling to use it, prop the flap open with the door facing inside the house.
A simple method is to use tape between the bottom of the flap and the top of the main
assembly. This will allow it to get used to the opening click while also having an inviting
open hole to go through.
Finally let the flap swing shut and allow it to start using the pet door. Strategic positioning
of food inside/outside the house can also help encourage the initial use of the pet door.
Symptom: Constant clicking sound
A constant clicking sound can be caused by faulty batteries or poor contact with the
Firstly, clean the end of the batteries and the connectors on the pet door with a dry cloth.
If this does not resolve the issue replace the batteries with good quality alkaline batteries.
Factory Reset
In the unlikely event that the unit needs resetting to a known state, follow the instructions below
to revert to the factory settings.
Carry out the memory wipe function from section 12.
Remove the batteries for at least 2 minutes.
The unit is now completely reset.