7 Alignment
5 mm
Ensure the top surface of the device is
horizontal to allow for compression in
the main toe spring when loaded with
the user's body weight.
Static Alignment
Trans-femoral Alignment
Align trans-femoral components according to fitting
instructions supplied with the knee, keeping the
build line relative to the device, as shown.
Set-up Length
This device should be set up with a 5 mm heel
wedge so that the top surface is horizontal. The
length of this device should be 5–10 mm longer than
the user's everyday prosthesis with running trainer
footwear to allow for spring compression.
Build Line
The build line should fall in the middle of the slot
on top of this device, this is defined by a vertical
alignment indicator line on each side.
Dynamic Alignment
Coronal Plane
Ensure that M-L thrust is minimal by adjusting
relative positions of socket and foot.
Sagittal Plane
On standing the toe should deflect so that the heel
is in contact with the ground. On walking, check for
a smooth transition from heel strike to toe off.
1. Optimize plantar flexion and dorsiflexion
On running, a heel strike should always be
present but this can be very small and subtle.
To optimize running gait, plantarflex the foot
incrementally in small amounts at a time
ensuring a heel strike is maintained. If the foot is
too plantar flexed the sole will 'slap' against the
ground. To prevent 'slap' dorsiflex the foot.
2. Stiffness and A-P shift
When an optimal plantar flexion/dorsiflexion
angle has been achieved, if when running the
toe feels too soft, then shift the weight line
posteriorly on the foot. If the toe feels too stiff,
then shift the weight line anteriorly on the foot.
3. If the user is sinking at heel strike the heel is
too soft. Fitting the wedge supplied will have
the effect of stiffening the heel spring, this can
be taped in place for trial (see diagram). For
permanent fitting the wedge should be glued in
place by application of Loctite 424 (926104) on
the upper surface of the wedge.