Contacts :
Africa: Medtronic Africa (Pty) Ltd.
Tel: +27 (0) 11 677 4800
Albania: Net Electronics Albania
Tel: +355 697070121
Argentina: Corpomedica S. A .
Tel: +(11) 4 814 1333
Medtronic Directo 24/7:
+0800 333 0752
Armenia: Exiol LLC
Tel: +374 98 92 00 11
or +374 94 38 38 52
Australia: Medtronic Australasia Pty.
Tel: 1800 668 670
Azerbaijan: Isomed
Tel: +994 (12) 464 11 30
Bangladesh: Sonargaon Healthcare
Pvt Ltd.
Mobile: (+91)-9903995417
or (+880)-1714217131
Belarus: Zarga Medica
Tel: +375 29 625 07 77
or +375 44 733 30 99
Helpline: +74995830400
België/Belgique: N. V . Medtronic
Belgium S. A .
Tel: 0800-90805
Bosnia and Herzegovina:
"Novopharm" d. o . o . Sarajevo
Tel: +387 33 476 444
Helpline: 0800 222 33
Epsilon Research Intern. d.o.o.
Tel: +387 51 251 037
Helpline: 0800 222 33
Brasil: Medtronic Comercial Ltda.
Tel: +(11) 2182-9200
Medtronic Directo 24/7:
+0800 773 9200
Bulgaria: RSR EOOD
Tel: +359 888993083
Helpline: +359 884504344
Canada: Medtronic of Canada Ltd.
Tel: 1-800-284-4416 (toll free/sans-
Chile: Medtronic Chile
Tel: +(9) 66 29 7126
Medtronic Directo 24/7:
+1 230 020 9750
Medtronic Directo 24/7 (From
Santiago): +(2) 595 2942
China: Medtronic (Shanghai) Ltd.
24 Hour Help (Cell):
+86 400-820-1981
24 Hour Help (Land):
+86 800-820-1981
Colombia: Medtronic Latin America
Inc. Sucursal Colombia
Tel: +(1) 742 7300
Medtronic Directo 24/7 (Landline):
+01 800 710 2170
Medtronic Directo 24/7 (Cellular):
+1 381 4902
Croatia: Mediligo d. o . o .
Tel: +385 1 6454 295
Helpline: +385 1 4881144
Medtronic Adriatic d.o.o.
Helpline: +385 1 4881120
Danmark: Medtronic Danmark A/S
Tel: +45 32 48 18 00
Deutschland: Medtronic GmbH
Geschäftsbereich Diabetes
Telefon: +49 2159 8149-370
Telefax: +49 2159 8149-110
24-Stdn-Hotline: 0800 6464633
Eire: Accu-Science LTD.
Tel: +353 45 433000
España: Medtronic Ibérica S. A .
Tel: +34 91 625 05 42
Fax: +34 91 625 03 90
24 horas: +34 900 120 330
Estonia: AB Medical Group Eesti OU
Tel: +372 6552310
Helpline: +372 5140694
Europe: Medtronic Europe S. A . Europe,
Middle East and Africa HQ
Tel: +41 (0) 21-802-7000
France: Medtronic France S. A . S .
Tel: +33 (0) 1 55 38 17 00
Hellas: Medtronic Hellas S. A .
Tel: +30 210677-9099
Hong Kong: Medtronic International
Tel: +852 2919-1300
To order supplies:
+852 2919-1322
24-hour helpline: +852 2919-6441
India: India Medtronic Pvt. Ltd.
Tel: (+91)-80-22112245 /
Mobile: (+91)-9611633007
Patient Care Helpline:
1800 209 6777
Indonesia: Medtronic International Ltd.
Tel: +65 6436 5090
or +65 6436 5000
Israel: Medtronic
Tel. (orders):
+9729972440, option 3 + option 1
Tel. (product support):
+9729972440, option 2
Helpline (17:00 – 08:00
daily/weekends – Israel time):
Italia: Medtronic Italia S. p . A .
Tel: +39 02 24137 261
Fax: +39 02 24138 210
Servizio assistenza tecnica:
Nº verde: 800 60 11 22
Japan: Medtronic Japan Co. Ltd.
Tel: +81-3-6776-0019
24 Hr. Support Line:
Kazakhstan: Medtronic BV in
Tel: +7 727 311 05 80 (Almaty)
Tel: +7 717 224 48 11 (Astana)
Круглосуточная линия
8 800 080 5001
Kosovo: Yess Pharma
Tel: +377 44 999 900
Helpline: +37745888388
Latin America: Medtronic, Inc.
Tel: 1(305) 500-9328
Fax: 1(786) 709-4244
Latvija: RAL SIA
Tel: +371 67316372
Helpline (9am to 6pm):
+371 29611419