in until the a.-m. maximum is reached. Take care that enough space is left so that the inflowing water in case
of failure or shutdown of the circulation pump still fits into the filter tank.
If the overflow produces splashing noises, the drain easy drain (Fig. 2, No. 5) should be closed in small
increments (clockwise rotation) in order to increase the water flow in the overflow. At least in the initial phase,
it has to be checked regularly and readjusted, if necessary. Only make quarter turns and then wait at least 5 -
10 minutes so that the system has sufficient time to compensate. Attention: the water level in the filter
tank changes. If the drain is closed too much, the water flows into the filter tank via the emergency overflow.
In order to avoid corrosion on hinges and units, ensure adequate ventilation of the base cabinet.
To be able to take the filter tank out of the cabinet, first of all the cabinet's cover plate between the doors has
to be removed (loosen screws).
Xenia 100/130 and 160 have a mechanical refill for evaporated water.
Fig. 4: Floating gauge for refill
Fig. 5: 1. Canister 2. Tap 3. Hose 4. Feedthrough to the filter tank