The ALPHA 2 can be flown with any harness. We recommend, however the use of
ADVANCE harnesses. Just like ADVANCE paragliders, ADVANCE harnesses are unique products,
manufactured exclusively from quality materials. All models were developed by
ROBERT GRAHAM as a result of countless flying hours and belong to the latest generation
of paraglider harnesses.
The ADVANCE harnesses are the only paraglider harnesses so far developed for ADVANCE
paragliders. It goes without saying that they can be used when flying any other paraglider.
The positioning of the attachment points, the arrangement of the straps, the quick-buckles,
the easily adjustable harness position, the free-sliding shoulder straps as well as the simplicity
of the design, all contribute to ADVANCE harnesses being amongst the leading products on
the market today.
All ADVANCE harnesses are designed with both an active and passive safety concept:
Every movement, impression and item of information transmitted by the paraglider is
absorbed by the special design of the attachment points and passed on to the pilot without
loss of equilibrium or balance.
The ergonomically-shaped back, completely padded with foam rubber, acts as a shock absorber
and protects the pilot from hard impacts. Both the space and the fittings for installing an airbag
internally are included as standard.