Measuring Mode
After the operating voltage has been connected, the analyzer auto-
matically goes to "Measuring" mode. To call the measuring mode from
another operating mode (e.g. Diagnostics, Service):
Hold meas key depressed (> 2 s).
Sensoface indicator
(sensor status)
Time (or fl ow)
Mode indicator
Hold meas key
depressed for calling
the measuring mode
(pressing once more
switches the display)
Depending on the confi guration, one of the following displays can be
set as standard display for the measuring mode (see page 6):
• Measured values channel A and channel B as well as time
(default setting)
Measured value and tag number ("TAG")
• Conductivity and temperature of channel A (see example above)
• Conductivity and temperature of channel B
• Time and date
• Measured value channel A, channel B and fl ow
• Output currents
Note: By pressing the meas key in measuring mode
you can view the displays for approx. 60 sec.
You must confi gure the device for the respective measurement
Display active
Display indicates
OUT1: e.g.
measured value
of channel A
Display indicates
OUT2: here,
temperature of
channel A
enter key