7.2.4. DataLog tab
In the DataLog tab, all available measurement data of the IQ Com is logged at fixed times. Main
measurement values are:
U (kV): the voltage on the high voltage output
I (mA) the current on the high voltage output
Umax (kV): the peak voltage on the high voltage output
Imax (mA) the peak current on the high voltage output
In the Maintenance tab (Figure 17) the DataLog tab can be emptied.
If the parameter "Data logging" is activated in the Manager and the IQ Com (figure 12), these
log values will also be saved in the log file of the Manager IQ Easy. The interval between
logging is determined by the parameter "Logfile refresh time" in the Manager IQ Easy. See user
manual of the Manager for information on the logfile.
Figure 16, DataLog tab.
8. Maintenance
Disconnect the power supply before carrying out work on the unit.
Keep the IQ Com free from moisture, dust, dirt and chemicals.
The IQ Com contains no parts that require periodic maintenance.
For maintenance of the connected IQ Easy equipment refer to the manual
Figure 17, Maintenance tab.