In the menu item "Servo settings", you can specify the control frequency in four
steps for each individual servo: Analog servo, digital servo 120 Hz, 200 and 333
Hz. Make sure that your servo can process the set signal.
In addition, the behavior in case of signal loss can be preselected on this page.
The failsafe position can also be set individually for each servo if failsafe has
been activated. After changes have been made, they must be transferred to the
receiver (as on all other menu pages) by clicking the red arrow symbol.
Not to be neglected is the provided "Firmware update" option. Please always
switch to the latest firmware version to be able to use all the new features.
In order to receive these updates, you should occasionally perform an online
update (via the upper left menu). As long as your computer is online, this type of
update process is carried out quickly. The software versions for all other MUL-
TIPLEX devices are also downloaded automatically and are then available to
you in the launcher.