6. Diversity mode
To increase safety, a slave receiver (also known as a secondary receiver/second
receiver/satellite) can be connected to the RX-16-DR MASTER receiver, i.e. the
main receiver, via a diversity cable. To do so, use the launcher to set the SRXL
port in the MASTER receiver to "SRXL Diversity Input". If the MASTER receiver is
set to diversity mode, it will not start without a valid SRXL signal from the slave
receiver for safety reasons.
The applied diversity cable can measure up to 1 m in length and should, if
possible, be twisted. This allows a flat slave receiver to be installed in the rear of
the model, for example in the vertical tail.
The second receiver, which is to serve as a slave, must supply an SRXL signal
and be connected to the transmitter like the MASTER. The RX-9-DR SRXL16 (or-
der number: #5 5840) is the ideal solution here. Since this receiver also sends
telemetry signals to MSB ports 0 and 1 by default, it must be set to OFF by the
launcher in order not to superimpose the telemetry data of the MASTER receiver.
The two small RX-4/9 and 4/16 Flexx receivers supply an SRXL signal, but are
not suitable as slave receivers for the RX-16-DR MASTER!
In the launcher you can follow live which receiver provides the valid RC signal
and also read out whether and, if so, how many switches have occurred during
operation. The image shows, for example, that the second receiver does not
currently have a valid signal.
Please do not connect any servos to the slave receiver, as this receiver
is not supported by the SRXL signal of the MASTER receiver. Additional
sensors must also be connected to the MASTER.