Please note that the Märklin* 6021 only allows
you to enter the values 01 to 79. The value 0 does
not appear. Instead of „00" the value „80" must
be entered instead.Although it would be appro-
priate the recognition for the Märklin* braking
section module 72441 is NOT yet ACTIVATED at
the factory because of the multi-protocol capabi-
lity (see Register No. 23; if necessary change pre-
set value 05 to 07).„80" must be entered instead.
Although it would be appropriate the recognition
for the Märklin* braking section module 72441 is
NOT yet ACTIVATED at the factory because of the
multi-protocol capability (see Register No. 23; if
necessary change preset value 05 to 07).
Programming with the
Märklin* Mobile Station
Only Märklin* locomotives are included in the Mär-
klin* Mobile Station Databank.For docking Roco
Locomotives in the Märklin*-Mobile Station, use
one of the two universal num-bers 36330/37962.
They are to be set this way:
Dock the locomotive in the databank
1. The knob must be set to 0.
2. Press the ESC button.
3. Turn the knob to the menu option ("New Lo-
4. Press the knob.
5. Turn the knob to the menu option ("Da-
6. Press the knob.
7. Choose one of the two universal numbers with
the knob (we recommend starting with 36330)
8. Press the knob
Setting the Correct Address:
1. Press the ESC button
2. Move to menu option (Change Locomotive")
with the knob
3. Press the knob.
4. Choose menu option ("Address")
5. Press the knob.
6. Choose the address of the locomotive
7. Press the knob.
In the case that the locomotive does not run,
erase the locomotive from the databank
1. Press the ESC button
2. Choose the menu option (Erase Locomotive)
3. Press the knob
4. Press the knob again to confirmWiederholen Sie
die SchritteRepeat the steps "Dock the Locomoti-
ve in the databank" (1-8).
And "Setting the Correct Address" (1-7)
Should there still be problems, delete the locomo-
tive from the databank again.
Repeat the steps "Dock the Locomotive in the
da-tabank" (1-8), except that at step 5 you go to
the menu option ("Address"), and at step 7 you
should set the address of your locomotive.Look for
the desired symbol with the knob, and con-firm
your choice with the knob.The functions F1 – F4
can be accessed with the 4 left side buttons on the
Mobile Station. The top button is for function F1.
However, the activated functions cannot be shown
in the display.
* ="Märklin" is the registered trademark of the Gebr. Märklin &
Cie. GmbH, Göppinge
** ="Motorola" is the registered trademark of the Motoro la
Inc., Tempe-Phoenix (Arizona/USA)
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