probably by re-absorption, during that first cycle. However, such a test can never-the-less be very
useful in some circumstance
This could be that there is a shortage of accommodation in the service area, and the breeder
would for the sake of convenience like to move sows to the dry sow accommodation rather sooner
than might be strictly recommended. The ability to be sure that a sow has conceived, and therefore
will at least not return at 21 days (even though she may do so later, perhaps at 6 weeks) will
ensure that only pregnant sows are moved.
Another reason could be to try to identify the root causes of a temporary infertility problem; if sows
are conceiving but then returning to oestrus later, then the problem has been isolated to the sow,
but if sows are not becoming pregnant at all, this will indicate that the fault could lie with the boar,
or the could be some problem of artificial insemination.
It is unlikely that most breeders will want to test sows as a matter of routine as early as 14 days, but
the ability to do so when necessary is non the less useful.
6. Using the doppler pregtector during oesterus
Occasionally during oestrus, blood-flow in the uterine artery will be detectable. This is more likely
in gilts and small sows. The characteristic whistling sound of true pregnancy will be absent, and the
artery will have a lower-pitched, quieter sound, and there will be a period of silence between the
pulses. The operator should be aware of this, but in practise it will not be a disadvantage. If there
is any suspicion that the sow is on heat rather than pregnant, then other checks, such as visual
examination, trying the standing reflex and introducing the sow to a boar should be put in hand
immediately. If this is not possible, then that sow should be rechecked with the PregTector about 4
days later. If she was on heat, the uterine artery will have ceased, and if pregnant, will have
become stronger.
7. Parvo virus and s.m.e.d.i.
Whilst the fetal pulse in the umbilical cord may be heard as early as 31 days. And the fetal heart
from 40 days, their absence is not really significant until the second half of pregnancy. A sow with
parvo-virus or S.M.E.D.I. can be carrying dead fetuses. She is, in reality, pregnant, but not
productivity so, which is what the breeder needs to know. The uterine artery can sometimes be
heard in such sows, although it will not be as easy to find or as clear as it would be in a normal
pregnancy, but since both these viruses tend tot strike well into the second half of pregnancy, it is
the absence of fetal sounds which must be the means of diagnosis. A useful aid tot diagnosis of
either of these problems is to compare doubtful sows with others or the same or similar gestational
age, as the difference is usually quite apparent.