Light curing device
The Technotray POWER will automatically start the curing
process for the selected time as soon as the curing tray
has been closed. The lights will automatically switch off
if the tray is opened while curing is in procress, and start
up anew for the selected curing time as soon as the tray is
closed again. The lights automatically switch off when the
set curing time has elapsed.
Curing examples
Technovit 2000 LC
Standard Curing samples with covering varnish (Duration:
2 x 10 min) with the Technotray POWER
Place the sample inside a semi-transparent PE embedding
mould. If required, the sample can be held in place with
Technovit 2000 LC fixing paste.
Now fill the embedding mould with Technovit 2000 LC up
to about 5 mm below the mould's top edge and place it on
the Technotray POWER's curing tray. Set the timer to 10
min and close the tray. Once this curing cycle has elapsed,
cover the sample with approx. 3 mm of Technovit 2000
LC covering varnish. This varnish will prevent a dispersion
layer from forming on the bottom of the sample. Next,
continue curing the sample for another 10 min.
Once the curing time has elapsed, remove the sample,
leave to cool and then remove it from the mould.
Curing in layers (Duration: 5 min cycles) with the Tech-
notray POWER
Embedding samples on a layer-by-layer basis will allow you
to use significantly lower curing temperatures. Place the
sample inside a semi-transparent PE embedding mould. If
required, the sample can be held in place with Technovit
2000 LC fixing paste.
Now fill the embedding mould with approx. 2 - 3 mm Tech-
novit 2000 LC, place it on the Technotray POWER's curing
tray and cure for 5 min. Next, leave the sample to cool and
then repeat this process until the sample is adequately
embedded in Technovit 2000 LC.
The Technotray POWER can be
used to simultaneously cure the
following number of embedding
Ø 50 mm = 4 moulds; Ø 30 mm = 9 moulds
Ø 40 mm = 5 moulds; Ø 25 mm = 9 moulds
Curing temperatures
40 mm mould without sample completely filled:
max. 120 °C
40 mm mould cured in individual layers (2 mm):
5 min exposure: 70 – 90 °C
Curing example for Colorit decorative
Standard curing process (Duration: 2 x 5 min) with the
Technotray POWER device
Colorit decorative resins have to be cured using all 6 light
tubes to ensure even polymerisation and homogeneous
exposure to the curing light.
Place the coloured decorative item/items onto the curing
tray. Set the timer to 5 min and close the tray. Once the
curing time has elapsed, repeat the process. Once the
decorative item/items have been cured for 2 x 5 min, they
can be removed and processed as required.