ELMON relay 32-312
Safety Relay
8.4 Connecti ng multi ple sensors per sensor circuit
ASO sensors must not be connected in parallel.
One or more sensors can be connected to sensor input . For this purpose, the individual sensors are connec-
ted in series according to fi gure 1.
Safety edges SENTIR edge:
Up to fi ve SENTIR edge may be connected in series. The maximum total length oft the SENTIR edge shall
not exceed 100 m .
The length of one SENTIR edge may be up to 25 m .
The total cable length oft the in series connected SENTIR edge must not exceed 25 m.
Safety bumper SENTIR bumper:
Up to fi ve SENTIR bumper may be connected in series. The maximum total length oft the SENTIR bumper
shall not exceed 15 m .
The length of one SENTIR bumper may be up to 3 m .
The total cable length oft the in series connected SENTIR bumper must not exceed 25 m.
Safety contact mat SENTIR mat:
Up to ten SENTIR mat may be connected in series. The maximum total area shall not exceed 10 m
The maximum size of an SENTIR mat is 1350 x 2350 mm. The total cable length oft the in series connected
SENTIR mat must not exceed 25 m .
Before connecti ng the sensors that are connected in series, it is recommended that the resistance value of
the arrangement is to be measured. The resistance must be 8.2 kΩ ± 500 Ω when the sensor is inacti ve and
must not exceed 500 Ω when it is acti ve.
Sensor 1
Figure 1: Connecti on of multi ple sensors; in this example: safety contact edge
8.5 Connecti ng the control circuits
8.5 Connecti ng the control circuits
The connecti on for the control circuits is permitt ed only for switching low voltages. The control
circuits are dependent on the rated current to protect with an appropriate fuse or the rated current
to the control circuits must be limited by other measures to the maximum value .
The control circuit to be monitored for the opening movement (channel 1, stop-
opening movement) is to be connected to the STOP Opening terminal pair; for the
closing movement (channel 2, stop closing movement), the appropriate control
circuit is to be connected to the STOP Closing terminal pair .
Sensor 2
Sensor „n"