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BATH MIXING PROGRAM PROGRAMME DU MITIGEUR POUR LA SALLE DE BAIN PROGRAMA MEZCLADORES BAÑO TONDO Art. 39750 Gessi SpA - Parco Gessi 13037 Serravalle Sesia (Vercelli) - Italy Phone +39 0163 454111 - Facsimile +39 0163 459273 -
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MUST NEVER BE EXCEEDED, as it may damage and/or cause ruptures and/or leakages and/or even break the product, and present a potential hazard and danger to safety, health and/or property. Following are the technical data with respect to the installation of Gessi plumbing products. ► W orkingpressureshouldnotbelowerthan0,5bar(7,25psi)andnotbehigherthan5bar(72Psi).In case of higher working pressure use a pressure reducer valve.
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Ci-dessous nous indiquons les données techniques concernant l’installation des produits sanitaires Gessi. ► L apressiondeservicenedoitpasêtreinférieureà0,5bar(7,25psi)etsupérieureà5bar(72Psi).En cas de pressions de service plus hautes utiliser une soupape de réduction de la pression.
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1 - ¡CUIDADO!! LES ROGAMOS QUE TENGAN EN CUENTA QUE NUNCA la presión y/o la temperatura máximaaconsejadaNOTIENEQUESERSUPERADA,yaquepodríadañary/ocausarrupturasy/o pérdidasy/oaveríasdelproductoy,porlotanto,representarunriesgoyunpeligropotencialpara la seguridad, la saludad y/o la propiedad. A continuación Les proporcionamos los datos técnicos relativosalainstalacióndelosproductosdegriferíaGessi. ► L apresióndeejercicionotienequeserinferiora0,5bar(7,25psi)ysuperiora5bar(72Psi).Encaso depresionesdeejerciciomayores,utilicenunaválvuladereduccióndelapresión. ►Presiónmáximadeensayodurantelainstalación:8bar(116psi). ► E vitengrandesdiferenciasdepresiónentrelaalimentacióndelaguafríayaquelladelaguacaliente. Lasdiferenciasdepresión,elaguaconunalatocontenidomineralylassustanciasjabonosaspueden...
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PRE-INSTALLATION INFORMATION - PRÉALABLES - PRELIMINARES Technical data of the mixer: -Minimumworkingpressure7,25psi[0,5bar] -Maximumworkingpressure72psi[5bar] - R ecommendedworkingpressure43,5psi[3bar](incaseofwaterpressurehigherthan72psi[5bar]it isrecommendedtoinstallpressurereducers) - Maximumtestinstallationpressure116psi[8bar] - A voidmajorpressuredifferencesbetweenhotandcoldwatersupply.Differencesinpressure,water with high mineral content, and soapy substances can corrode the internal and external parts of the hoses and slowly weaken the materials thereby causing leakage -Safetylockat100°F[38°C] -Safetylockformaxtemperatureat120°F[49°C] -Mixer’sminimuminfeedoperatingtemperature37°F[3°C]-recommended59°F[15°C]-COLD...
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PRE-INSTALLATION INFORMATION - PRÉALABLES - PRELIMINARES - Presiónmáximadeensayodurantelainstalación116psi[8bar] - E vitengrandesdiferenciasdepresiónentrelaalimentacióndelaguafríayaquelladelaguacaliente. Lasdiferenciasdepresión,elaguaconunalatocontenidomineralylassustanciasjabonosaspueden corroer las partes interiores y exteriores de los flexos y, lentamente, e, lentamente, debilitar los materiales causando pérdidas -Bloqueodeseguridada100°F[38°C] -Bloquedeseguridadparatemperaturamáximade120°F[49°C] - T emperaturamínimadeejercicioenentradadelmezclador37°F[3°C]-recomendada59°F[15°C]- FRÍA - T emperaturamáximadeejercicioenentradadelmezclador176°F[80°C]-recomendada149°F[65°C] - CALIENTE -Diferencialtérmicorecomendado122°F[50°C] - Sistema de seguridad con bloqueo de seguridad en caso de falta de una de las dos aguas Funcionamiento:...
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PRE-INSTALLATION INFORMATION - PRÉALABLES - PRELIMINARES 1/8” [2,5 mm] 11/16” [17 mm] 3/16” [4 mm] 1/8” [3 mm] Before installation and setting to work Attention! The feeding pipes have to be rinsed thoroughly before the installation of the product, so that no shavings, welding or hemp residual or other dirt can be found in the pipes.
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PRE-INSTALLATION INFORMATION - PRÉALABLES - PRELIMINARES Package content: A - Fastening plate B - Plate fastening screws C - Indicators for connected users D - Extension set E - Finish plate F-Temperatureadjustmentstop G - Control handle H-Handlefortemperatureadjustment Contenu de l’emballage: A - Plaque de fixation B - Vis de fixation plaque C - Indicateurs pour points d’utilisation connectés...
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INSTALLATION - INSTALLATION - INSTALACIÓN INSTALLATION Fig. 1 - Remove plastic protections from built-in body. Fig. 2 - Cut flush with the finished wall the built-in body protections. Fig. 3 - Sealwithsilicone(freefromaceticacid)thejunctionpointbetweenwallandplasticprotections. INSTALLATION Fig. 1 - Enlever les protections en plastique du corps encastrement. Fig.
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INSTALLATION - INSTALLATION - INSTALACIÓN Fig. 4 Tiled surface Surface carrelée Superficie con baldosas INSTALLATION (continues...) Fig. 4 - Withatapemeasurethedistancebetweenthecartridgecontainmentsurfaceandthewalltiled surface. Accordingtomeasuredsizereadthefollowingtabletofindthecomponentsofthe“extensionkit”toinstall onthetemperatureadjustmentcontrol. INSTALLATION (continue...) Fig. 4 - A l’aide d’un mètre trouver la distance entre la surface de l’enceinte cartouche et la surface carrelée du mur.
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INSTALLATION - INSTALLATION - INSTALACIÓN 0” to 1/8” [0mm ÷ 3mm] 1/8” to 3/8” [3mm ÷ 10mm] 3/8” to 11/16” [10mm ÷ 17mm] 11/16” to 1” [17mm ÷ 25mm]...
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INSTALLATION - INSTALLATION - INSTALACIÓN Extension Kit According to the built-in depth measured identify the components of the extension kit to install on the temperatureadjustmentcontrol(allcomponentsdescribedbelowaresuppliedinthepackage): -from0"to1/8"[3mm]:usethe9/16"[14,2mm]extensionandthe3/8"[10mm]screw; -from1/8"[3mm]to3/8"[10mm]:usethe7/8"[22mm]extensionandthe5/8"[16mm]screw; -from3/8"[10mm]to11/16"[17mm]:usethe1-1/8"[29mm]extensionandthe1"[25mm]screw; -from11/16"[17mm]to1"[25mm]:usethe1-7/16"[36mm]extensionandthe1-3/16"[30mm]screw. -from1"[25mm]to1-15/16"[50mm]:it'snecessarytobuytheextensionKit! -from1-15/16"[50mm]to2-15/16"[75mm]:it'snecessarytobuytheextensionKit! Jeu rallonge Selonlaprofondeurd’encastrementobservéeidentifierlescomposantsdujeurallongeàinstallersurla commandederéglagedelatempérature(touslescomposantsdécritsci-dessoussontfournisàl’intérieur del’emballage): -de0mmà1/8"[3mm]:utiliserlarallongede9/16"[14,2mm]etlavisde3/8"[10mm]; -de1/8"[3mm]à3/8"[10mm]:utiliserlarallongede7/8"[22mm]etlavisde5/8"[16mm]; -de3/8"[10mm]à11/16"[17mm]:utiliserlarallongede1-1/8"[29mm]etlavisde1"[25mm]; -de11/16"[17mm]à1"[25mm]:utiliserlarallongede1-7/16"[36mm]etlavisde1-3/16"[30mm]. -de1"[25mm]à1-15/16"[50mm]:ilestnécessaireacheterleKitderallonge! -de1-15/16"[50mm]à2-15/16"[75mm]:ilestnécessaireacheterleKitderallonge! Juego alargadera...
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INSTALLATION - INSTALLATION - INSTALACIÓN INSTALLATION (continues...) Fig. 5 Fig. 5 - Position the extension on the control for temperature adjustment and lock the position with the specific screw. INSTALLATION (continue...) Fig. 5 - Positionner la rallonge sur la commande pour le réglage de la température et en bloquer la position avec la vis spécifique fournie.
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INSTALLATION - INSTALLATION - INSTALACIÓN INSTALLATION (continues...) Fig. 6 - Fasten the fastening plate to built-in body with the screws supplied. Sealing with silicone (free from acetic acid) the junction point between tiled wall and plate recommended. Fig. 7 - Check the perfect alignment of the plate, then fasten it definitively with fastening screws. INSTALLATION (continue...) Fig.
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INSTALLATION - INSTALLATION - INSTALACIÓN Installation of user indicators Fig. 8 - Install on the finish plate the user indicators contained in the package. The choice of the indicator to apply refers to the kind of user connected and is applied in the corresponding connection position of the above user.
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INSTALLATION - INSTALLATION - INSTALACIÓN Fig. 10 Fig. 11 GREASE Not supplied Non fournie Excluida del suministro Fig. 12 RED - BLUE VERTICAL INSTALLATION RED - BLUE HORIZONTAL INSTALLATION Biadhesive Doubleadhésif Precinto doble cara...
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INSTALLATION - INSTALLATION - INSTALACIÓN INSTALLATION (continues...) Fig. 10-11 - Installfinishplate,lettingthespongegasketstickasmuchaspossibletothewall.Checkthe positioning with a spirit level. Fig. 12 -Positionthetemperatureadjustmentstoponthefinishplateinsertingcorrectlythecenteringpins and keeping the silk-screen print turned upwards. INSTALLATION (continue...) Fig. 10-11 - Installerlaplaqueenfinition,faisantadhérerautantquepossiblelagaineenépongecontre lemur.Vérifierlepositionnementavecunniveauàbulled’air. Fig. 12 -Positionnerl’arrêtderéglagedelatempératuresurlaplaquedefinitioninsérantcorrectement les pivots de centrage et maintenant la sérigraphie vers le haut. INSTALACIÓN (continúa...) Fig.
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INSTALLATION - INSTALLATION - INSTALACIÓN INSTALLATION (continues...) Fig. 13 - Position the supports for control handles so that the reference line is turned upwards. Fig. 14 - Check that anti-friction bearing is positioned properly on handles. IMPORTANT: for proper installation of the handles make sure that highlighted references are positioned correctly as in the figure and respectively the centering pin positioned in the top part and the hole for the fastening pin positioned in the bottom part.
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INSTALLATION - INSTALLATION - INSTALACIÓN Adjustment of the safety temperature lock Fig. 17 - Open the supply water network and start the supply turning the handle that regulates the flow rate. Measure the temperature of output water with a simple thermometer. Werecommendsettingthesafetylockatatemperatureof100°F[38°C],soifthemeasuredtemperature is different than the recommended one follow the next instructions for adequate calibration.
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WORKING - FONCTIONNEMENT - FUNCIONAMIENTO WARNING! The installation of the built-in thermostatic mixer is over, before use read the section concerning the operation in the following pages. ATTENTION! L’installation du mitigeur thermostatique encastrement est terminée, avant l’emploi voir la section relative au fonctionnement dans les pages suivantes. ¡CUIDADO! La instalación del mezclador termostático por empotrar se ha acabado;...
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WORKING - FONCTIONNEMENT - FUNCIONAMIENTO Temperatureadjustmentcontrol-Commandepourleréglagedelatempérature- Mando para la regulación de la temperatura Flowrateadjustmentcontrol-Commandepourleréglagedudébit- Mando para la regulación del caudal Users selection control - Commande pour la sélection des points d’utilisation - Mandodeseleccióndelaslíneas...
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WORKING - FONCTIONNEMENT - FUNCIONAMIENTO 100°F[38°C] <100°F[38°C] >100°F[38°C] PUSH Temperature adjustment control When the handle for temperature adjustment is in idle position water is supplied at 38°C. To lower temperatureturnthehandletotheright.Toincreasetemperatureover38°Cturnthehandletotheleft pushing the safety button. Commande pour le réglage de la température Quandlapoignéepourleréglagedelatempératureestenpositiondereposl’eauestdébitéeà38°C. Pourdiminuerlatempératuretournerlapoignéeàdroite.Pouraugmenterlatempératureoutreles38°C tournerlapoignéeàgaucheenappuyantsurlepoussoirdesécurité.
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WORKING - FONCTIONNEMENT - FUNCIONAMIENTO Flow rate adjustment control Turningthehandleforflowrateadjustmentcounterclockwisewatersupplystarts.Flowintensitywillbe proportionaltohandlerotation(forexampleat90°withrespecttotheidleconditiontheflowintensitywill beatitsmaximum).Tostopthesupplybringthehandlebacktotheinitialposition. Commande pour le réglage du débit Tournant la poignée pour le réglage du débit dans le sens inverse des aiguilles d’une montre on ouvre le débitdel’eau.L’intensitédufluxseraproportionnelleàlarotationdelapoignée(parexempleà90°par rapportàlaconditiondereposonobtientl’intensitémaximumduflux).Pourarrêterledébitremettrela poignéeàlapositioninitiale. Mando para la regulación del caudal Girandolamanetaparalaregulacióndelcaudalenelsentidocontrarioalasagujasdelrelojempieza laerogacióndelagua.Laintensidaddelflujoseráproporcionalalarotacióndelamaneta(porejemplo, ...
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WORKING - FONCTIONNEMENT - FUNCIONAMIENTO Users selection control WARNING: the representation of flow operation for the selection of users is based on the use of 5 outlets. In the other cases the movement of the handle is tied to the control stop for the outlets installed on the built-in body in the previous steps.
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MAINTENANCE - ENTRETIEN - MANUTENCIÓN Fig. 24 Fig. 25 1/8” [2,5 mm] Fig. 26 Fig. 27 1/8” 1/8” [3 mm] [3 mm] COLD OPEN OPEN CLOSE CLOSE...
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MAINTENANCE - ENTRETIEN - MANUTENCIÓN WARNING! ALL THE OPERATIONS FROM NOW ON SHOULD BE CARRIED OUT ONLY BY QUALIFIED STAFF. Disassembly of external parts for maintenance Fig. 24 - If possible shut off directly the supply water mains before carrying out any other maintenance operation.
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MAINTENANCE - ENTRETIEN - MANUTENCIÓN Fig. 28 Fig. 29 1/8” [2,5 mm] Fig. 30 Fig. 31 1-1/8” [28 mm] Not supplied Non fournie Excluida del suministro...
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MAINTENANCE - ENTRETIEN - MANUTENCIÓN Fig. 32 Fig. 33 1/8” [2,5 mm] Fig. 34 Fig. 35 Replacement of deflector cartridge Fig. 28 - Find the position of the deflector cartridge in the built-in thermostatic body. Fig. 29 - Disassemble the components shown in the figure from the selection control of users and throw them away.
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MAINTENANCE - ENTRETIEN - MANUTENCIÓN pré-assemblésFig.32(ànepasperdrecarilsserontinstalléssuccessivement)etfaisantensorteque son propre système de centrage est correctement positionné sur le corps encastrement ainsi qu’illustré dans la figure Fig.33. Fig. 35 -Vérifierquel’arrêtdelacartoucheestenaxeaveclecorps,autrementagirsurlatigedela cartouchepourmettreenpositionl’arrêt. Pour l'installation correcte de la poignée consulter la section: "Alignement des poignées de commande". Sustitución cartucho desviador Fig.
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MAINTENANCE - ENTRETIEN - MANUTENCIÓN Fig. 36 Fig. 37 1/8” [2,5 mm] Fig. 38 11/16” [17 mm] Not supplied Non fournie Excluida del suministro...
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MAINTENANCE - ENTRETIEN - MANUTENCIÓN Headvalve replacement Fig. 36 - Find the position of the head screw in the built-in body. Fig. 37 - Remove the extension of head screw stem. Fig. 38 - Unscrew the damaged headvalve and remove it from its seat. Install the new headvalve on the body.
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MAINTENANCE - ENTRETIEN - MANUTENCIÓN Alignment of control handles Fig. 39 - In base al prodotto acquistato, portare in posizione di chiusura il comando. Fig. 40 - Insert the control handle on its support. IMPORTANT: for proper installation of the handle make sure that highlighted references are properly positioned as in the figure and respectively the centering pin positioned in the top part and the hole for the fastening pin positioned in the bottom part.
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MAINTENANCE - ENTRETIEN - MANUTENCIÓN Alignment of control handles (continues...) Fig. 43 - INCORRECT ALIGNMENT WITH HANDLE INCLINED TO THE RIGHT Fig. 44 - Remove the handle from the support. Fig. 45 -Unscrewthesupportandturnitbyoneposition(18°)inthedirectioninwhichthehandlewas inclined. Fasten the support in the new position. Nowfollowtheprocedureillustratedfromfigure39tofigure42.
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MAINTENANCE - ENTRETIEN - MANUTENCIÓN Alignment of control handles (continues...) Fig. 46 - INCORRECT ALIGNMENT WITH HANDLE INCLINED TO THE LEFT Fig. 47 - Remove the handle from the support. Fig. 48 -Unscrewthesupportandturnitbyoneposition(18°)inthedirectioninwhichthehandlewas inclined. Fasten the support in the new position. Nowfollowtheprocedureillustratedfromfigure39tofigure42.
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MAINTENANCE - ENTRETIEN - MANUTENCIÓN WARNING! If the handle is NOT properly aligned, loosen the screw that locks the concerned support and turn it by 180°,theninstallagainallonthebuilt-inbody.Repeatoperationsillustratedfromfigure39tofigure48 until proper handle alignment is achieved. ATTENTION! Si on N’A PAS obtenu l’alignement correct de la poignée, dévisser la vis qui bloque le support concerné et letournerde180°,ensuiteinstallerànouveautoutsurlecorpsencastré.Répéterlesopérationsillustrées delafigure39àlafigure48jusqu’àtrouverl’alignementcorrectdelapoignée.
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MAINTENANCE - ENTRETIEN - MANUTENCIÓN Fig. 52 Fig. 53 1/8” [2,5 mm] Fig. 54 Fig. 55 Not supplied Non fournie Excluida del suministro 1-1/8” [28 mm]...
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MAINTENANCE - ENTRETIEN - MANUTENCIÓN Thermostatic cartridge replacement Fig. 52 - Find the position of the thermostatic cartridge in the built-in body. Fig. 53 - Remove the components of the extension for temperature control. Fig. 54 - Loosen the tightening ring nut. Fig.
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MAINTENANCE - ENTRETIEN - MANUTENCIÓN Fig. 56 Fig. 57 Not supplied Non fournie Excluida del suministro 3/8” [10 mm] Fig. 58 Fig. 59 1/2” [12 mm]...
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MAINTENANCE - ENTRETIEN - MANUTENCIÓN Inlet filters cleaning BeforethisoperationitisABSOLUTELYNECESSARYtoshutthesupplywatermainsoff. If a small water leakage occurs check the conditions of filters positioned on the wall built-in body. Fig. 56 - Find the position of filters on the body of the thermostatic mixer. Fig.
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MAINTENANCE - ENTRETIEN - MANUTENCIÓN Installation of external parts Fig. 60 - Open STOP VALVES if they were closed at the start of maintenance. Fig. 61 - Position the cover plate keeping the proper references. Fig. 62 - Insert the control handles on the respective supports and after checking proper alignment, lock its position with the respective fastening pins.