The glass gets dirty
very quickly
Excessive draught
It's not heating
Excessive water tempera-
Condensation appears after
several fires.
I can hear strange noises
There are
strange and/or unpleasant
Insufficient air from the glass
Damp or green firewood
Room with depression
Poor quality firewood
Insufficient air
Water won't evacuate
Damp of green wood
Chimney conditions
Not enough firewood
Use of resinous firewood or
firewood rich in aromatic oils
The device should fully adapt
after the first few uses
The self-cleaning system of the glass via the pumping
of air. Open the air vent in accordance with the instruc-
tions in section 3.2.
Damp, green or very young firewood contains an ex-
cessive quantity of water which results in much of the
heat energy evaporating with the water. The solution is
to use quality firewood or fuel in accordance with the
instructions in section 3.1.
Install a draught regulator.
In rooms with controlled mechanical ventilation systems
(CMVs) installed, it may be necessary to install an air
intake from the exterior. Opening a window and
leaving it ajar may also help solve the problem.
Poor quality firewood does not contribute enough en-
ergy for combustion. Use quality firewood in accord-
ance with the instructions in section 3.1.
If the supply of air is not sufficient, there won't be ade-
quate consumption. Review the regulation of primary
air and through the glass according to section 3.2.
Review good functioning of the hydraulic installation.
Check that the pump works, the temperature probe
is not defective and that the controller is correctly
programmed. As a security measure, turn off the
device and close all the air vents and do not turn on
until the problem is solved.
Wood with too much humidity will cause the appear-
ance of remains of water and condensation. Use qual-
ity wood in accordance with the instructions in section
Check that the smoke extractor is installed in ac-
cordance with the instructions in section 2.2. It is also
recommended to check the airtightness of the seal, im-
prove insulation and extend the height to 5 or 6 metres.
Ensure you make a full load in accordance with the
recommendations in section 3.1. Low loads cause a
lower combustion temperature so the existing humidity
is not fully evaporated.
As a result of the processes of thermal expansion/
contraction, and more acute metal materials, you
might hear sounds caused by the expansion of cer-
tain components subjected to the high temperatures
reached in the device.
Certain types of wood contain a higher quantity of resin
or even aromatic oils, which when combusted release
certain aromas or smells. We recommend that you use
quality wood in accordance with the instructions in
section 3.1.
A new device may contain certain deposits of oil or sim-
ilar. During the first few uses after installation, these de-
posits may burn and release certain smells, much like
the paintwork, which is subjected to its first heating pro-
cesses. So these smells are entirely normal.