Adjacent room
Examples of ventilation holes
for comburent air.
Fig. 3
c) Intensive and prolonged working of the gas cooktop that need to
intensify ventilation, e.g. opening windows or increasing the power of
the air intake system(if present).
d) Liquefied petroleum gases are heavier than air, so settle it downward.
Rooms in which LPG tanks are installed must be fitted with ventilation
to the outside to avoid of gas leakage. Therefore, LPG tanks which are
empty or partially full, must not be installed or stored in rooms or
spaces below ground level(cellars etc.). It is a good idea to keep only
the tank which is working currently in the room, and make sure that it
is not closed to heating source(ovens, fireplaces, stoves, etc.).
Installation of built-in gas cooktop(GH60SF for examle)
The gas cooktops are designed with protection degree against
excessive heating, the appliance can be installed next to cabinets, and
the height should not exceed the cooktop.
For a correct installation, the following precautions must be followed:
a) The cooktop may be located in a kitchen, a diner or bed/sitting room,
but not in a bathroom or shower room.
b) The furniture standing near to the unit, it is higher than the working
boards, must be placed at least 4.33 in distance to the edge of the
c) The cabinets should be positioned near to the hood at a height of
16.5 in at least(Fig. 5).
Room to be vented
Enlarging the ventilation slot
between window and floor.
Fig. 4