Connect the appropriate measurement probe to the C.A 43. The connection is made through
the multicontact push-pull socket located at the top of the instrument.
- Position the probe in the axis of the case,
- Turn the probe to align the locking system,
- Push the probe in and push the ring until it locks (clicks).
Switch on the instrument by turning the rotary switch to select V/m, A/m, or µW/cm²
Choose the required operating mode (PEAK, ALARM...).
- We recommend using the MIN/MAX recording function which allows you to obtain, after
inspection, the minimum, maximum and average values of the field measured.
Before stopping the MIN/MAX recording, you must hold the measurement with the HOLD
function. This allows you to memorize the different parameters before exiting the field.
- If the field is fluctuating (i.e. the display varies without changes in the position of the probe)
the use of the SMOOTH and PEAK functions will be particularly useful :
SMOOTH to read an average value which is more representative of the global field.
PEAK to identify the peaks, some of which may exceed the maximum level that is
wanted. (Example: the peaks due to the closeness of a neon light are often greater than
3 V/m and cannot be classed as level II in accordance with IEC 801-3 and IEC 1000-4-3).
The PEAK function switches OFF the 50 Hz rejection filter for low frequency fields.
Consequently, your instrument becomes sensitive to the 50 Hz electrical environment :
mains cable runs, equipment power supply, etc.
Point at the target and make the measurements (with probe EF1, certain procedures are
necessary: see below paragraph probe EF1).
As the field diminishes proportionally with distance, take care to place the extremity of the
probe as close as possible to the zone to be checked.
The operator must take care not to be between the source of disturbance and the zone to be
checked: the human body shields electromagnetic fields.
After each measurement session, switch OFF the instrument by returning the rotary switch
to the OFF position. Remove the probe from the instrument by pushing the locking ring. Tidy
away the elements in the carrying case.