3.10 Machine Features
• With 24 Volt heater output, it ensures the prevention of the transformer failures whereas safety
24-V Heater Output
requirements are met.
• It prevents external intervention by transporting the rear fuses on the main board.
Moving The Fuses Into The Main Board
• With the active stand-by mode, when the machine is not receiving a trigger for a certain period of time, the
Standby Mode
machine will go into stand-by mode so that the luminaires on the panel will be switched on and energy is
• The fan will not operate when the machine is in idle position with the smart fan control. The fan is activated
Smart Fan Control
when the machine reaches a certain temperature. This saves energy and reduces iron dust entering the
• Smart thermal control ensures digital thermal control and fan control accordingly.
Smart Thermal Control
• The parameters such as the initial gas, final gas, burn back control are easily adjusted via the digital interface.
Parameter Setting Via Digital Interface
RS 600 MW