6.4 Alarm configuration
This page is used to enable monitoring of the clock, and to set which information will be sent as
well as the destination server. You can choose which parameter or parameters to define as alarms,
and configure them.
The information displayed is described below:
- Enable SNMP Trap checkbox: enables or disables automatic sending of error messages to the
SNMP Manager(s).
- SNMP Manager 1/2/3: IP addresses of servers to receive clock alarms. Using redundant SNMP
Managers increases the reliability of reception of alarms.
- Community: user-defined clock pool or domain. It is important to give all clocks on the network
the same Community name.
List of alarm :
- Synchronisation failure: this parameter enables detection of synchronisation faults with the
master clock(Sigma type) or the time server (Netsilon type):
Multicast: Alarm triggered when the multicast synchronisation is absent for at least
Unicast: Alarm triggered when the unicast synchronisation is absent for 3 times the
duration of the poll (periodicity) and at least 1 hour (allowing for the NTP server
- Reboot: this parameter enables detection of clock reboot.
- Temperature: this parameter enables reporting of high or low temperature threshold breaches
(variable temperature range).
- Periodic Status: this parameter enables verification that the device remains operational (in the
case of the alarms being «lost»). This verification can be performed on a cycle of a specified
number of hours.