After putting on harness check the:
Before launch check that:
The key to successful launching is to practice ground-handling on flat ground as often as
The VIVO2 inflates easily and steadily using forward or reverse launch techniques. There is no
tendency for the canopy to hang back during inflation – as well not for overshooting. To
forward (alpine) launch in light or nil wind there is no need to pull the risers hard – as well not
to run/jump fast into the wing. Allow the glider to stabilise overhead and run positively
forward checking the canopy is fully inflated and clear of any knots or tangles. Reverse
launching is recommended in stronger winds.
The glider has split A-risers. For launching you can take either the inner A-risers or both. If the
ears are folding in during launch its advisable to just use the inner A-line riser – this is also
helpful at tail-wind launches.
Even for a glider of this class your will notice the agile handling from the first flight. The VIVO2
is easy to turn at any bank angle, from flat through to steeply banked turns.
Brake pressure is progressive which enables the pilot to feel the wing and helps prevent
unintentional stalling.
In turbulent air the VIVO2 absorbs turbulence very effectively which improves pilot comfort in
The webbing attachment for the brake-line pulley is intentionally long making it possible to
move the brake handle either to the inside or outside of the riser.
For example: if the glider turns flat: make a steeper or faster turn by moving the inside hand
towards the centre of wing. The glider then speeds up in the turn and the angle of bank
becomes steeper. When doing the opposite – moving the arms away from the body - the glider
turns flatter and the climb becomes more efficient. We call it "brake-shifting". Please find more
Brakes lines run freely through the pulleys
Knots on brake lines are secure
Position of reserve (rescue) handle and pins
Leg loops and strap are fastened correctly
Main Karabiners are closed
Speed-system is connected correctly and runs smoothly through the pulleys
Risers are not twisted
Place brake handles in the hands and check brake lines are free
Position pilot in centre of wing
Check wind direction
Check take off area is clear
Check airspace is free from congestion
Turning flight