Suitability for training
The VIVO2 is highly stable and has got simplest flying behaviours. Due to its agile character, it is
on the instructors obligation to decide whether a pilot is capable being trained on the VIVO2 or
The AirDesign VIVO2 is therefore limited suitable for the use in the school environment as
stated by the manufacturer.
Pilots' aptitude
The VIVO2 is a basic intermediate glider with good passive safety and forgiving flying
characteristics. Neverteless,
Each pilot should be able to act on his own responsibility.
Each pilot flying under their own responsibility, must be able to judge if they are able
to cope successfully with the particular flying conditions during a flight.
Even with the best and safest equipment, a wrong decision can lead to serious injury.
It is the pilot's obligation to avoid such misjudgements by progressing through
structured theoretical and practical training.
It is the pilots' obligation to use suitable protective gear and to maintain the
airworthiness of their equipment.
By following these basic principles, we wish all pilots a successful, safe and enjoyable flying
Recommended weight range
The VIVO2 must only be flown within the certified weight range as stated in the technical data
under section 3. The take-off weight includes pilot plus clothing, glider, harness, equipment
The VIVO2 reacts to a variation in loading with a slight reduction or increase of trim-speed. The
performance remains more or less the same.
VIVO2 XXS with extended weight-range
The XXS size can be flown in its extended and certified weight range of up to 72kg. Especially
for hike&fly the wing can be flown with this higher loading. A positive effect is the higher speed
and agility.
We recommend the extended range for pilots which feel comfortable with faster wings.
The VIVO2 is type-tested for use with all modern harnesses – rated as GH.
Below you find information about the use of harness dimensions which was used during
certification and is written in the EN-926-2 norm: