2. Unwind the length of ground wire that was provided and strip about 1 cm off
each end. Insert both ends of the ground wire into the outer, red wire
connector jacks, leaving the center jack free. If the wires are connected
properly, the wire indicator light will be on.
3. Next, activate the receiver/collar by turning the intensity level dial on the
receiver to the desired level. The LED light will blink once every two seconds
showing that it is on.
* If not activated for 10 seconds or more, the system will go into sleep mode.
4. Hold the receiver in your hand with the contact points facing up. Place the test
lamp over the contact points and approach the test loop.
5. Watch for the test lamp to come on and the unit to vibrate. Be careful not to
touch the contact points as the unit will emit stimulation when activated.
1. To ensure that your E-Fence 3500 system
is working properly, connect the power
adaptor into the transmitter power jack
and then plug the power adaptor into a
household outlet. Switch the stimulation
knob to Pager + Stimulation, or Pager
Only. The On/Off indicator light should
turn on.
Fence Wire
The E-Fence boundary wire must make a continuous loop around your property
for the system to operate. The signal is delivered from the terminal of the
transmitter, through the fence wire, back to the other terminal on the transmitter.
When this is accomplished, the wire continuity light will emit a constant red