breath. The time is set in correlation to the patient's prescription setting.
NOTE– You will get longer operating time on your Battery if you operate your iGo in PulseDose mode.
7. ChecktheFlowRatetomakesureitissettoyourprescriptionsetting.Ifadjustmentisneeded,usetheFlowRateSettingbuttonstoadjusttheflowratetothesetting
prescribed by your physician. NOTE– YourDeVilbissprovidermayhavesettheflowsothatitcannotbeadjusted.
Under certain circumstances, oxygen therapy can be hazardous. Seeking medical advice before using an oxygen concentrator is advisable. It is very important to
follow your oxygen prescription. Do not increase or decrease the flow of oxygen - consult your physician.
8. WhenyouhavefinishedusingtheiGo,pressandholdthePowerButtontoturnOff.StoretheiGoinacool,drylocationwhennotinuse.
The iGo has two options for portability. Both are for use on pedestrian surfaces:
Rolling Carry Case
Place the iGo in the carry case.
2. Thecarrycasehasanopeningforthecannulaandoneforexternalpowerconnections.Italsohasseveralscreenedopeningsforairflow.Neverblocktheairopenings.
Do not use a carry case other than one approved by DeVilbiss.
3. Toadjustthehandleheighteitherpulluponthehandleand/orpressthebuttonandpushdownonthehandle.
CAUTION–The iGo should be taken as a carry-on item if traveling by air. If you are checking the iGo as luggage, it must be packed in a protective case. The Rolling
Carry Case does not provide adequate protection if checking the iGo.
Detachable Wheeled Cart
Align the locator holes on the bottom of the unit to the tabs on the cart.
Align the screw to the insert on the back of the iGo and hand- tighten the knob on the cart.
3. Pushthebuttononthecarthandletoadjusttheheight.
CAUTION– When transporting the iGo, care should be taken to avoid excessive shock.
NOTE– B eforestartingatrip,checkwithyourDeVilbissproviderforoptions(e.g.extrabattery/ACCordforuseatdestination).RefertoAccessoriesforappropriatecord.
As a precaution, your DeVilbiss provider may supply you with a reserve oxygen system. If your unit loses electrical power or fails to operate correctly, the Patient Alert System
will sound to signal you to switch to your reserve oxygen system (if provided). Contact your DeVilbiss provider.
Availability of an alternate source of oxygen is recommended in case of power outage or mechanical failure. Consult your physician for the type of back-up
system required. Do not ignore alerts.
The following troubleshooting chart will help you analyze and correct minor iGo malfunctions. If the suggested procedures do not help, switch to your reserve oxygen system
and call your DeVilbiss homecare provider. Do not attempt any other maintenance.
To avoid electric shock hazard, do not remove the covers. There are no user-serviceable internal components. The covers should only be removed by a qualified
DeVilbiss provider/DeVilbiss homecare technician.
Unit does not operate. No lights are
illuminated and nothing happens when power
button is pressed and held for 1 second.
Unit does not operate. External Power Light
alert sounding (PulseDose Mode only).
Unit set up for PulseDose mode but changed
to Continuous Flow because no breath was
1. Power button was not held.
2. No External Power and no charged battery installed. 2. Plug into external power or install charged battery.
3. Unit malfunction.
1. AC power cord not properly inserted into wall outlet
or DC adapter not attached.
2. Charged battery not installed or defective battery.
3. No power at wall outlet.
4. Faulty AC Adapter.
5. Faulty DC accessory power port outlet.
6. Faulty DC Adapter.
1. Obstructed cannula or oxygen tubing.
2. C annulaisnotadjustedproperly.
3. Tubing/cannula too long.
6. Atmospheric Pressure Port obstructed.
7. Patient not candidate for PulseDose delivery.
NOTE-Unit will automatically change to CF Mode if
this condition is not corrected.
1. Press Power button and hold for 1 second.
3. Contact your DeVilbiss provider.
1. Check power cord connection at the wall outlet and adapter connection to
2. Install charged battery or contact your provider for a replacement battery.
3. Check your home circuit breaker and reset if necessary. Use a different wall
outlet if the situation occurs again.
4. Contact your DeVilbiss provider.
5. Check automotive fuse.
6. Contact your DeVilbiss provider.
check oxygen tubing for obstructions or kinks. Replace if necessary.
3. Replace with shorter tubing/cannula.
5. Replace with standard cannula.
6. Remove obstruction.
7. Use CF delivery for patients that fail to trigger equipment (e.g. mouth
breather with closed soft palate.)
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