4 Compression Feedback
Compression Rate Target
Release Target
Depth Indicator
Depth Target
The display of the CPRmeter provides real-time feedback to the responder as
described below.
Good Compressions
Each compression performed is represented on
the CPRmeter display by a moving white
compression depth indicator bar. When the
CPRmeter detects that a compression meets
the targets for depth or release, the target briefly
If the CPRmeter detects that the rate of
compressions is within the target area, the
"speedometer" needle on the compression rate
indicator points to the green target area and the
green target briefly illuminates.
Compression Depth
If the CPRmeter detects a compression that fails
to meet the proper minimum compression depth
target (50 mm / 2 inches – for a patient on a hard
surface), the compression depth target does not
If 4 consecutive compressions fail to meet the
compression depth target, the display shows a
yellow arrow pointing to the compression depth
If the CPR meter detects a compression that
exceeds 60 mm (2.36"), the CPRmeter shows the depth indicator below
the target area. If a specific CPR event requires CPR to be performed
on a patient lying on a mattress, slide a backboard under the patient and
compensate for the mattress softness by ensuring that for each chest
compression the area below the compression depth target lights up.
WARNING: When performing CPR on a patient lying on a mattress, a
backboard must be used to limit the amount of compressed depth which is
absorbed by the mattress. Depending on characteristics of the mattress,
backboard and patient, the depth compensation does not guarantee that
the patient chest is compressed by 50 mm / 2 inches.
Rate Indicator
Incomplete Release
If the CPRmeter detects that pressure is not fully
released between compressions, the release target
does not illuminate. If 4 consecutive compressions
fail to meet the release target, the display shows a
yellow arrow pointing to the compression release
target. Release pressure completely between
IMPORTANT NOTE: Release pressure completely between compressions.
Compression Rate
If the CPRmeter detects that the compression
rate is greater than the target rate, the needle on
the compression rate indicator points to the right
of the green area. If the CPRmeter detects that the
compression rate is less than the target rate, the
needle on the compression rate indicator points to
the left of the green area.
Compression Counter
When compressions start, the CPRmeter display
shows a numerical compression counter. The
counter digits turn solid white between 25 and 30
compressions, as a guide to the responder when
performing a cycle of 30 compressions. Beyond 30
compressions, the counter digits flash solid white for
every tenth compression*.
The compression counter is reset after 3 seconds
without a compression.
* When performing continuous compression CPR on an intubated patient,
the compression counter may be used to time delivery of ventilations. At a
compression rate of 100 per minute: If a ventilation is delivered for every
10 continuous compressions, ventilation rate should be 10 per minute.