I. Description of the control panel
- To make the electronic display visible: press the top then release. The panel will then be visible and the settings will be able to be changed. Repeat the
procedure in the reverse order to retract it (see description, pages 4-5)
- Your wine cabinet has been preset in the factory based on standard settings which suit most scenarios. Therefore, it is not necessary to change these
Temperature display
II. Temperature settings
A. Single-temperature model (ref. 1045V)
Your single-temperature cabinet was preset in the factory at I2°C but can be set between 6 and I8°C.
To change these temperature settings, proceed as follow
- The temperature setting is displayed when the SET I button is lit (in green)
- Press and hold down the SET I button until °l is displayed
- Press Prob, the setting value will appear
- Press SET I to increase it
- Press SET 2 to lower it
- To confirm the selected temperature: press and hold down Prob until the cabinet's actual temperature is displayed.
Electronic control visible
B. Multi-temperature model (ref. I 125S)
Your multi-temperature cabinet was preset in the factory in order to obtain 6°C in the lower section and I8°C in
the upper section.
- The display indicates (alternately, every 10 seconds) the temperature in the lower section, then the temperature in the upper section.
- The upper temperature is displayed when SET I is lit.
- It is possible to set the temperature of the upper section (red serving temperature zone) between min.
- 14° max. I8°C
- Press and hold down SET I until °l is displayed
- Press Prob, the setting value will appear
- Press SET I, to increase it
- Press SET 2, to lower it
When the desired setting has been obtained, press and hold down Prob, until the internal temperature is displayed.
- The lower temperature is displayed when SET 2 is lit.
- It is possible to set the temperature of the lower section (chilling zone) between min. 6°C max. 8°C
- Press and hold down SET 2 until °2 is displayed
- Press Prob, the setting value will appear
- Press SET I, to increase it
- Press SET 2, to lower it
When the desired setting is obtained, press and hold down Prob, until the internal temperature is displayed.
Setting and
selection keys
confirmation key
Press the top to retract it
Electronic control retracted
Press the top to make it visible