Change my location
Open this menu entry to change the regional setting for the weather data:
SEARCH CITY: enter the first letter or the entire name of the city you are search-
ing for and confirm with OK.
Then select the corresponding city from the results list and confirm with OK.
COUNTRY BROWSE: first select the country from the list here and then con-
firm with OK.
Then select a city from the list and confirm with OK.
If your city cannot be found, select a city that is close by.
Press and hold OK to save the selected location as a favourite.
Select this entry in order to select Internet radio stations based on the following cri-
LOCATION: select stations according to country
GENRE: select stations according to genre
SEARCH STATIONS: search for stations by name
POPULAR STATIONS: Select a station from a list of popular stations
NEW STATIONS: select a station from a list of the latest stations
Select a station based on the previous search criteria and press the OK dial.
Here you can select podcasts based on the following criteria:
LOCATIONS: select a region from the list here and confirm with OK. Then select
a podcast and confirm with OK.
GENRE: select a genre from the list here and confirm with OK. Then select a pod-
cast and confirm with OK.
SEARCH PODCASTS: search for podcasts by name
My added radio stations
You can register free of charge on the website Here
you can register your Internet radio using the access code. You will receive the ac-
cess code as follows:
Switch to Internet radio mode and select "HELP"/"GET ACCESS CODE".
My stored podcasts
Here you can open the stored podcasts.
Here you can request the access code for your Internet radio.
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