precisely and then switches to receiving mode again at the
next scheduled time.
Display indicators of the base station
Weather forecast
After start-up, the information still can not be used for
weather forecasting for approximately 12 hours, since the
weather station needs this time to collect and analyse the
weather data.
The weather forecast is based on the collected data and
the measured air pressure changes.
The forecast pertains to the region around the weather
station with a radius of approx 30 to 50 km, for a period of
12 to 24 hours.
The accuracy of the weather forecast lies around 75%.
There are four different displays:
If an additional S is displayed, summer time is currently
Weather Station with Wireless Outdoor Sensor WS 1822
FW Station WS 1822 3 Sprach.indb 57
light cloud
21.06.2018 15:34:00