11. Position the center of the Chest Clip even
with the child's armpits. Make sure the
Shoulder Pads do not interfere with the
placement of the Chest Clip.
NOTE: If the Shoulder Pads don't allow a
proper fit,they can be removed to provide
more space for the Chest Clip. Unsnap to
12. To test for a properly tightened Harness,
pinch the Shoulder Strap. A snug Harness
should not allow you to pinch any slack
when pinched between your thumb and
forefinger. If needed, pull Adjuster Strap
further for a tight and proper fit.
13. Be sure to recheck the recline angle
(pg. 31) with the child secured in place.
If Recline Angle is not correct after
Readjust using Recline Adjustment
Handle, or
Use a tightly rolled towel or pool
noodle under the Base, near the
vehicle seat back, as shown at right.
Securing the Child
s s
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