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Philips Saeco XSMALL HD8743 Manuel D'instructions
Philips Saeco XSMALL HD8743 Manuel D'instructions

Philips Saeco XSMALL HD8743 Manuel D'instructions

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Type HD8743 / HD8745 / HD8747



Sommaire des Matières pour Philips Saeco XSMALL HD8743

  • Page 1 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com Register your product and get support at www.philips.com/welcome Type HD8743 / HD8745 / HD8747 INSTRUCTIONS READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY BEFORE USING THE MACHINE. CHECK ON WWW.PHILIPS.COM/SUPPORT TO DOWNLOAD THE LATEST USER MANUAL...
  • Page 2 (utilizzare il codice riportato in prima pagina) e scaricare l’ultima versione del manuale d’uso. Herzlich Willkommen in der Welt von Philips Saeco! Registrieren Sie sich auf der Internetseite WWW. PHILIPS.COM/WELCOME und erhalten Sie Hinweise und Aktualisierungen zur Wartung. In diesem Heft werden die Hinweise für den korrekten Betrieb der Maschine in Kurzform dargestellt.
  • Page 3 CD con el manual completo en el idioma deseado. Introduzca el CD en el reproductor de su PC; se le guia- rá durante la búsqueda del documento deseado. Además, puede descargar la última versión del ma- nual de uso de la página www.philips.com/support (utilice el número de modelo indicado en la primera página).
  • Page 4 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS When using electrical appliances, basic safety precautions should always be followed, including the following: 1. Read all instructions. 2. Do not touch hot surfaces. Use handles or knobs. 3. To protect against fire, electric shock and injury to persons do not immerse cord, plugs, or appliance in water or other liquid.
  • Page 5 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com CAUTION This appliance is for household use only. Any servicing, other than cleaning and user maintenance, should be performed by an authorized service center. Do not immerse machine in water. To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, do not disassemble the machine.
  • Page 6 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IMPORTANT Lors de l’utilisation d’appareils électriques, il est indispensable de respecter toujours les précautions de sécurité principales, y compris les suivantes : 1. Lire toutes les instructions. 2. Ne pas toucher de surfaces chaudes. Utiliser les poignées ou les boutons. 3.
  • Page 7 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com PRÉCAUTIONS La machine est réservée à un usage domestique. Tout entretien, en dehors du nettoyage et de l’entretien usuel par l’usager, doit être fait par un service après-vente autorisé. Ne pas plonger la base dans l’eau. Pour éviter les courts-circuits et les décharges électriques, ne pas démonter la base.
  • Page 8 Do not make any modifi cations to the machine or its mains cord. Only product may not be treated as household waste. Instead it shall be handed have repairs carried out by a service centre authorized by Philips to over to the applicable collection point for the recycling of electrical and avoid a hazard.
  • Page 9 Non alterare né modifi care in alcun modo la macchina o il cavo d’ali- Questo prodotto è conforme alla Direttiva europea 2002/96/CE. mentazione. Tutte le riparazioni devono essere eseguite da un centro assistenza autorizzato da Philips per evitare qualsiasi pericolo. • La macchina non è destinata ad essere utilizzata da persone (compre- si i bambini) con ridotte capacità...
  • Page 10 • Die Maschine oder das Netzkabel dürfen keinesfalls verändert wer- den. Alle Reparaturen müssen durch ein von Philips autorisiertes Kun- Gemäß Art. 13 der italienischen Gesetzesverordnung Nr. 151 vom 25. Juli dendienstzentrum ausgeführt werden, um jede Gefahr zu vermeiden.
  • Page 11 Ce produit est conforme à la Directive européenne 2002/96/CE. d’alimentation. Toutes les réparations doivent être eff ectuées par un centre d’assistance agréé par Philips pour éviter tout danger. • La machine ne doit pas être utilisée par des personnes (y compris les enfants) ayant de faibles capacités physiques, mentales ou senso-...
  • Page 12 No alterar ni modifi car de ninguna forma la máquina o el cable de alimentación. Para evitar riesgos, todas las reparaciones deberán ser efectuadas por un centro de asistencia técnica autorizado por Philips. • Esta máquina no está destinada a ser utilizada por personas (niños incluidos) con capacidades físicas, mentales o sensoriales reducidas o...
  • Page 13 Não altere nem modifi que de modo algum o cabo de alimentação. Todas as reparações devem ser realizadas por um centro de assistência autorizado pela Philips, para evitar qualquer perigo. • A máquina não se destina a ser utilizada por pessoas (incluindo crian- O símbolo...
  • Page 14 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com Instructions www.philips.com/support FIRST INSTALLATION PRIMA INSTALLAZIONE - ERSTE INSTALLATION - PREMIÈRE INSTALLATION PRIMERA INSTALACIÓN - PRIMEIRA INSTALAÇÃO Fully insert the drip tray. Remove the water tank. Fill it with fresh drinking Fill the coff ee bean hopper.
  • Page 15 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com www.philips.com/support Instructions Place a container under the The indicator lights fl ash Turn the control dial to When light fl ashes slowly, turn control dial back to posi- dispensing spout. counter clock wise.
  • Page 16 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com Instructions www.philips.com/support Wait until brewing is com- Place a large container (1,2 Turn the control dial to the Dispense water until the no light shines steadily. plete and empty the cup. lt) under the hot water/ position.
  • Page 17 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com www.philips.com/support Instructions FIRST ESPRESSO PRIMO ESPRESSO - ERSTER ESPRESSO - PREMIER CAFÉ EXPRESSO PRIMER CAFÉ EXPRÉS - PRIMEIRO EXPRESSO Place a cup under the dis- Make sure control dial is on Press button to brew At the end of the process, re- ...press...
  • Page 18 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com Instructions www.philips.com/support FROTHING MILK MONTARE IL LATTE - DIE MILCH AUFSCHÄUMEN - ÉMULSIONNER LE LAIT MONTAR LECHE - MONTAR O LEITE Fill 1/3 of a carafe with cold milk. Immerse hot water/steam wand in...
  • Page 19 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com www.philips.com/support Instructions STEAM/COFFEE Switchover Passaggio da VAPORE A CAFFÈ - UMSCHALTUNG VON DAMPF AUF KAFFEE - Passage de LA VAPEUR AU CAFÉ - Paso de VAPOR A CAFÉ - Passagem de VAPOR PARA CAFÉ...
  • Page 20 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com Instructions www.philips.com/support HOT WATER ACQUA CALDA - HEISSES WASSER - EAU CHAUDE AGUA CALIENTE - ÁGUA QUENTE Place a cup under the hot water/ Hot water will be dispensed. Turn control dial back to position...
  • Page 21 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com www.philips.com/support Instructions DESCALING - 30 min. DECALCIFICAZIONE - ENTKALKUNG - DÉTARTRAGE DESCALCIFICACIÓN - DESCALCIFICAÇÃO When light starts fl ashing very quickly, you need to descale the machine. Not doing this will ultimately make your machine stop working properly.
  • Page 22 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com Instructions www.philips.com/support Turn off the machine Check that the control dial is on the Place a container of 1,2 lt under the Press the buttons at position. hot water/steam wand. the same time for 3 seconds.
  • Page 23 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com www.philips.com/support Instructions light starts fl ashing slowly. Empty the container and the drip light turns on. Rinse water tank light turns on. Turn control dial Turn control dial to position. tray and them place back.
  • Page 24 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com Instructions www.philips.com/support Empty the container and the drip light turns on. Turn control dial Machine starts the rinsing until wa- light turns on. Rinse water tank tray and them place back. position. ter tank is empty.
  • Page 25 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com www.philips.com/support Instructions BREW GROUP CLEANING PULIZIA GRUPPO CAFFÈ - REINIGUNG BRÜHGRUPPE - NETTOYAGE DU GROUPE DE DISTRIBUTION LIMPIEZA DEL GRUPO DE CAFÉ - LIMPEZA GRUPO DISTRIBUIÇÃO Remove coff ee ground Remove the brew group.
  • Page 26 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com Instructions www.philips.com/support STEAM WAND/PANNARELLO CLEANING PULIZIA TUBO VAPORE/PANNARELLO - REINIGUNG DAMPFDÜSE/PANNARELLO NETTOYAGE BUSE DE VAPEUR/PANNARELLO - LIMPIEZA DEL TUBO DE VAPOR/PANNARELLO LIMPEZA TUBO VAPOR/PANNARELLO without Pannarello: with Pannarello: Weekly Clean the hot water/steam wand with a wet cloth to remove Remove the external part of the Pannarello and wash it with milk residues.
  • Page 27 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com www.philips.com/support Instructions Machine Signals Segnali presenti sulla macchina - Auf der Maschine vorhandene Signale - Voyants présents sur la machine - Señales presentes en la máquina - Sinais presentes na máquina Steady on...
  • Page 28 Éteindre la machine. La rallumer après 30 secondes. Essayer 2 ou 3 fois. Machine en phase de rinçage/auto-net- sayer de distribuer un autre café expresso. Si la machine NE redémarre PAS, contacter le centre d’assistance Philips Saeco. toyage. Parpadeantes en el sentido contra- Con parpadeo alternado Parpadeantes simultáneamente...
  • Page 29 Visit philips onlineshop to check product number: CA6706 availability and purchasing oppor- tunities in your country. Visita il negozio online Philips per veri- Kit Manutenzione fi care la disponibilità e le opportunità di n. prodotto: CA6706 acquisto nel tuo Paese.
  • Page 30 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com Welkom in de wereld van Philips Saeco! Registreer u op de site WWW.PHILIPS.COM/WELCOME om advies en updates te ontvangen met betrekking tot het onderhoud. In dit boekje zijn de instructies voor de juiste werking van de machine in het kort beschreven. In de verpakking van de machine bevindt zich een CD met de complete handleiding in de gewenste taal.
  • Page 31 ønskede dokument. Du kan desuden downloade den seneste version af brugsvejledningen på websitet www.philips.com/support (se modelnummeret på forsiden). Καλώς ήλθες στον κόσμο της Philips Saeco! Κάνε την εγγραφή σου στην ιστοσελίδα WWW.PHILIPS.COM/WELCOME για να λαμβάνεις συμβουλές και ενημερώσεις σχετικά...
  • Page 32 Dit product is in overeenstemming met de Europese richtlijn 2002/96/EG. dingskabel aan. Alle reparaties dienen uitgevoerd te worden door een erkend servicecentrum van Philips om gevaar te voorkomen. • De machine is niet bestemd om gebruikt te worden door personen...
  • Page 33 Alla reparationer måste utföras av ett servicecenter som har Symbolen som fi nns på produkten eller på dess förpackning bety- auktoriserats av Philips för att undvika eventuella faror. der att produkten inte bör hanteras som hushållsavfall, utan att den måste •...
  • Page 34 Ikke endre maskinen eller strømkabelen på noen som helst måte. Alle Symbolet på produktet eller på pakningen indikerer at produktet reparasjoner må foretas av et servicesenter som er godkjent av Philips ikke må behandles som husholdningsavfall, men må leveres inn til et kom- for å unngå enhver form for fare.
  • Page 35 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com www.philips.com/support Safety instructions • Älä käytä puhdistuksessa hankaavia jauheita tai aggressiivisia pesuai- FI - Turvallisuusohjeet neita. Veteen kostutettu pehmeä rätti riittää. Keitin on varustettu turvalaitteilla. Tässä käyttöohjeessa kuvatut turvalli- • Suorita keittimen kalkinpoisto säännöllisesti. Keitin ilmoittaa kun suuteen liittyvät ohjeet on kuitenkin luettava huolellisesti, jotta satunnai-...
  • Page 36 • Udfør aldrig ændringer ved maskinen eller det strømførende kabel. veres til et godkendt indsamlingssted, så elektriske og elektroniske kompo- Alle reparationer skal udføres af et autoriseret Philips servicecenter, så nenter kan genindvindes. alle farer undgås. Ved at sørge for en korrekt bortskaff else af produktet bidrager du til at be- •...
  • Page 37 • Μην αλλοιώσετε ή τροποποιήσετε με οποιονδήποτε τρόπο την μηχανή ή το καλώδιο τροφοδοσίας. Όλες οι επισκευές πρέπει να γίνονται σε εξουσιοδοτημένο κέντρο τεχνικής υποστήριξης της Philips προς απο- φυγή οποιουδήποτε κινδύνου. Το σύμβολο που υπάρχει στο προϊόν ή στην συσκευασία είναι...
  • Page 38 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com Accessories go to www.shop.philips.com/service to buy accessories EERSTE INSTALLATIE FÖRSTA INSTALLATIONEN - FØRSTE INSTALLASJON - ENSIMMÄINEN ASENNUS FØRSTE INSTALLATION - ΠΡΩΤΗ ΕΓΚΑΤΑΣΤΑΣΗ Plaats het lekbakje en duw Haal het waterreservoir uit Vul het met vers drinkwater. Vul het koffi ebonenreservoir. Steek de voedingskabel in de totdat het niet verder kan.
  • Page 39 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com go to www.shop.philips.com/service to buy accessories Accessories Draai de bedieningsknop Plaats een kannetje onder de De controlelampjes knippe- Wanneer de led langzaam knippert, dient men de bedie- schenkinrichting. ren tegen de klok in.
  • Page 40 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com Accessories go to www.shop.philips.com/service to buy accessories Wacht tot de beëindiging Plaats een ruim kannetje Draai de bedieningsknop Verstrek water totdat de De led gaat continu bran- van de afgifte en gooi het (1,2 l) onder het stoom/ melding “geen water”...
  • Page 41 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com go to www.shop.philips.com/service to buy accessories Accessories EERSTE ESPRESSO FÖRSTA ESPRESSON - FØRSTE ESPRESSO - ENSIMMÄINEN ESPRESSOKAHVI FØRSTE ESPRESSO - ΠΡΩΤΟ ΕΣΠΡΕΣΟ Plaats een kopje onder de Controleer of de bedienings- Druk op de toets Neem na beëindiging van...
  • Page 42 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com Accessories go to www.shop.philips.com/service to buy accessories MELK OPKLOPPEN ATT SKUMMA MJÖLK - SKUM MELKEN - MAIDON VAAHDOTTAMINEN PISKE MÆLK - ΠΑΡΑΣΚΕΥΑΣΤΕ ΑΦΡΟΓΑΛΑ Vul een kan voor 1/3 met koude Steek het stoom-/heetwaterpijpje...
  • Page 43 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com go to www.shop.philips.com/service to buy accessories Accessories Overgang van STOOM NAAR KOFFIE Övergång från ÅNGA TILL KAFFE - Overgang fra DAMP TIL KAFFE - Siirtyminen HÖYRYSTÄ KAHVIIN - Skift fra DAMP til KAFFE - Μεταβολή από ΑΤΜΟ σε ΚΑΦΕ...
  • Page 44 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com Accessories go to www.shop.philips.com/service to buy accessories HEET WATER VARMVATTEN - VARMT VANN - KUUMA VESI VARMT VAND - ΖΕΣΤΟ ΝΕΡΟ Plaats een kopje onder het stoom/ Er zal heet water verstrekt worden.
  • Page 45 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com go to www.shop.philips.com/service to buy accessories Accessories ONTKALKING - 30 min. AVKALKNING - AVKALKING - KALKINPOISTO AFKALKNING - ΑΦΑΛΑΤΩΣΗ Indien de led heel snel knippert, is het nodig de ontkalking uit te voeren. Wanneer deze handeling niet wordt uitge- voerd, zal uw machine ophouden met goed te werken.
  • Page 46 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com Accessories go to www.shop.philips.com/service to buy accessories Zet de machine uit. Controleer of de bedieningsknop in Plaats een kannetje van 1,2 l onder Druk gelijktijdig de toetsen de stand staat. het stoom-/heetwaterpijpje. gedurende 3 seconden in.
  • Page 47 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com go to www.shop.philips.com/service to buy accessories Accessories De led begint langzaam te Leeg het kannetje en het lekbakje en De led gaat aan. Spoel het wa- De led gaat aan. Draai de be- knipperen.
  • Page 48 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com Accessories go to www.shop.philips.com/service to buy accessories Leeg het kannetje en het lekbakje en De led gaat aan. Spoel het wa- De led gaat aan. Draai de be- De machine begint met spoelen tot- plaats ze weer terug.
  • Page 49 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com go to www.shop.philips.com/service to buy accessories Accessories REINIGING VAN DE KOFFIE-UNIT RENGÖRING AV BRYGGRUPPEN - RENGJØRING AV KAFFEENHET - KAHVIYKSIKÖN PUHDISTUS RENGØRING AF KAFFEENHED - ΚΑΘΑΡΙΣΜΟΣ ΜΟΝΑΔΑΣ ΠΑΡΑΣΚΕΥΗΣ ΚΑΦΕ Verwijder de koffi ediklade Haal de koffi e-unit eruit.
  • Page 51 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com go to www.shop.philips.com/service to buy accessories Accessories Signalen aanwezig op de machine Signaler på maskinen - Signaler på maskinen - Keittimeen ilmestyvät merkit Signaler på maskinen - Ενδείξεις της μηχανής Continu aan Langzaam knipperend...
  • Page 52 Zet de machine uit. Zet het na 30 seconden weer aan. Probeer dit 2 of 3 keer. reiniging. andere espresso te verstrekken. Indien de machine NIET start, neem dan contact op met de hotline Philips Saeco. Blinkar motsols Blinkar omväxlande Blinkar samtidigt Maskinen befi nner sig mitt i en skölj-...
  • Page 53 CA6700 Φίλτρο νερού INTENZA+ Προϊόν αφαλάτωσης αρ. προϊόντος: CA6702 αρ. προϊόντος: CA6700 Onderhoudskit Bezoek de online Philips winkel om de productnummer: CA6706 beschikbaarheid en de aankoopmoge- lijkheid in uw Land te controleren. Besök Philips webbutik för att kontrol- Underhållskit lera tillgänglighet och inköpsmöjlig-...
  • Page 54 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com...
  • Page 55 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com...
  • Page 56 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com Il produttore si riserva il diritto d`apportare qualsiasi modifica senza preavviso. The manufacturer reserves the right to change the features of the product without prior notice. Der Hersteller behält sich das Recht vor, Änderungen am Produkt ohne Vorankündigung vorzunehmen. Le producteur se réserve le droit d‘apporter des modifi...

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