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CARRE ECONET Notice D'utilisation page 29

Masquer les pouces Voir aussi pour ECONET:


* Remplacer les socs usagés,
ainsi que les dents qui donnent
des signes de fatigue (allonge-
ment, fissures...)
* Remplacer les coutres de gui-
dage s'ils sont usés.
* Vérifier le bon état des roule-
ments des coutres de guidage
et des protèges plants. Ils sont
graissés à vie.
* Si le jeu dans les axes de paral-
lélogramme de chaque élément
est anormal, il faut remplacer les
bagues d'usure.
* Vérifier si les conduites hydrau-
liques de la bineuse repliable sont
bien étanches, si les raccords
sont desserrés ou s'il y a des
défauts dus au frottement. Rem-
placer ce qui est détérioré. AT-
TENTION, avant de travailler sur
le circuit hydraulique, enlever la
pression et couper le moteur. Au
besoin faire appel à du personnel
* Après un nettoyage au jet d'eau
ou au nettoyeur haute pression,
il est bon d'huiler ou de graisser
tous les points susceptibles d'être
* Stocker l'appareil de préférence
déplié, et sur un sol stable. Utili-
ser les béquilles de maintien.
* Protéger les tiges des vérins
hydrauliques des rallonges re-
pliables en y appliquant un film
anticorrosif (graisse).
* Remplir le circuit de pulvérisa-
tion avec de l'antigel.
Pièces détachées sur de-
mande. Voir les nomenclatures
détachées doivent correspondre
aux exigences techniques du
constructeur, ce qui est toujours
le cas avec des pièces d'origine.
All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com
* Replace the guide coulters if
they are worn.
* Check that the bearings of the
guide coulters and the plant pro-
tectors are in good condition.
These are lubricated for life.
* If the space in the parallelogram
axes of each unit is not normal, the
wearing rings must be replaced.
- Check that the hydraulic lines on
the folding hoeing machine are
properly sealed, the connections
are tight and that there are no de-
fects caused by friction. Replace
anything that is deteriorated.
WARNING, before working with
the hydraulic circuit, release the
pressure and turn off the motor.
Call upon specialised personnel
when necessary.
* After cleaning with a spray of
water or high-pressure hose, all
of the points that can be removed
should be oiled or greased.
* Store the device on stable
ground, preferably unfolded. Use
the maintaining stands.
* Protect the rods of the hydraulic
cylinders on the foldable exten-
sions by applying an anti-corro-
sive film (grease).
* Fill the spray circuit with anti-
Spare parts as requested.
Consult the corresponding no-
menclatures. Spare parts must
meet the manufacturer's technical
requirements, which is always the
case with original parts.
Page 27
* Replace the guide coulters if
they are worn.
* Check that the bearings of the
guide coulters and the plant pro-
tectors are in good condition.
These are lubricated for life.
* If the space in the parallelogram
axes of each unit is not normal, the
wearing rings must be replaced.
- Check that the hydraulic lines on
the folding hoeing machine are
properly sealed, the connections
are tight and that there are no de-
fects caused by friction. Replace
anything that is deteriorated.
WARNING, before working with
the hydraulic circuit, release the
pressure and turn off the motor.
Call upon specialised personnel
when necessary.
* After cleaning with a spray of
water or high-pressure hose, all
of the points that can be removed
should be oiled or greased.
* Store the device on stable
ground, preferably unfolded. Use
the maintaining stands.
* Protect the rods of the hydraulic
cylinders on the foldable exten-
sions by applying an anti-corro-
sive film (grease).
* Fill the spray circuit with anti-
Spare parts as requested.
Consult the corresponding no-
menclatures. Spare parts must
meet the manufacturer's technical
requirements, which is always the
case with original parts.

