sieu et le poids total admis afin
que la précision de direction et de
freinage soit maintenue.
Ne transporter aucune personne
sur la bineuse.
3.5 Prévention des accidents - Accidents prevention - Accidents prevention
En complément aux recomman-
dations faites dans ce manuel,
respectez les prescriptions des
assurances mutuelles agricoles.
Pendant l'opération d'attelage
de la bineuse ECONET sur le
tracteur :
- Veiller à ce qu'elle repose sur
un sol stable.
- Ne jamais rester entre le trac-
teur et la bineuse, il y a risque
- Manoeuvrer le relevage trois
points hydraulique lentement et
- Vérifier que les catégories de
l'attelage trois points du tracteur
et de la bineuse correspondent.
Système hydraulique :
- Ne brancher les conduites hy-
drauliques au système hydrau-
lique du tracteur que s'il n'y a
aucune pression côté tracteur et
côté machine.
- Le système hydraulique fonc-
tionne avec de la haute pression,
vérifier régulièrement si toutes
les conduites, les tuyaux et les
raccords n'ont pas de fuite ou de
détériorations visibles. Si c'est le
cas, le remplacement doit être
- L'huile s'échappant sous pres-
sion peut causer des blessures
et des infections : consulter un
- Avant de travailler sur le circuit
hydraulique, enlever la pression
et couper le moteur.
All manuals and user guides at
Do not transport anyone on the
hoeing machine.
In addition to the recommenda-
tion in this manual, follow the ins-
tructions of the farming mutual
insurance companies.
During the hitching of the ECO-
NET hoeing machine to the
- Ensure that it is resting on stable
- Never remain between the trac-
tor and the hoeing machine; there
is a risk of an accident.
- Operate the 3-point hydraulic lift
system slowly and with caution.
- Check that the 3-point hitching
categories of the tractor and of
the hoeing machine correspond.
Hydraulic system:
- Connect the hydraulic lines to
the tractor's hydraulic system only
if there is no pressure on the trac-
tor side and on the machine side.
- The hydraulic system operates
under high pressure, check on a
regular basis that all of the lines,
pipes and connectors do not show
any leaks or visible deterioration.
If so, they must be replaced im-
- Oil released under pressure can
cause injury and infections: see a
- Before working with the hydrau-
lic circuit, release the pressure
and turn off the motor.
During use:
- Before turning on the machine,
ensure that no one is within the vi-
cinity of the machine. Ensure that
Page 10
Do not transport anyone on the
hoeing machine.
In addition to the recommenda-
tion in this manual, follow the ins-
tructions of the farming mutual
insurance companies.
During the hitching of the ECO-
NET hoeing machine to the
- Ensure that it is resting on stable
- Never remain between the trac-
tor and the hoeing machine; there
is a risk of an accident.
- Operate the 3-point hydraulic lift
system slowly and with caution.
- Check that the 3-point hitching
categories of the tractor and of
the hoeing machine correspond.
Hydraulic system:
- Connect the hydraulic lines to
the tractor's hydraulic system only
if there is no pressure on the trac-
tor side and on the machine side.
- The hydraulic system operates
under high pressure, check on a
regular basis that all of the lines,
pipes and connectors do not show
any leaks or visible deterioration.
If so, they must be replaced im-
- Oil released under pressure can
cause injury and infections: see a
- Before working with the hydrau-
lic circuit, release the pressure
and turn off the motor.
During use:
- Before turning on the machine,
ensure that no one is within the vi-
cinity of the machine. Ensure that