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Bypass handbox entry of daylight savings, date and time. Use the values supplied in this command. This feature is
intended to allow use of the Autostar II from permanent installations where GPS reception is not possible, such as
metal domes. This command must be issued while the telescope is waiting at the initial daylight savings prompt.
Returns: 1 – if command was accepted.
:hN# Autostar II only: Sleep Telescope. Power off motors, encoders, displays and lights. Scope
remains in minimum power mode until a keystroke is received or a wake command is sent.
:hP# Autostar, Autostar II and LX 16"Slew to Park Position
Returns: Nothing
:hS# Autostar II and LX 16" – Sets the current scope position as the park position of the telescope. Subsequent to this
command, a :hP# command will drive the scope to this mount relative position.
Returns: Nothing
LX200 – Ignored
Meade Telescope Protocol
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:hW# Autostar II Only: Wake up sleeping telescope.
:h?# Autostar, Autostar II and LX 16" Query Home Status
0 Home Search Failed
1 Home Search Found
2 Home Search in Progress
LX200 Not Supported
H – Time Format Command
:H# Toggle Between 24 and 12 hour time format
Returns: Nothing
I – Initialize Telescope Command
:I# LX200 GPS Only - Causes the telescope to cease current operations and restart at its power on initialization.
L – Object Library Commands
:LB# Find previous object and set it as the current target object.
Returns: Nothing
Autostar II & Autostar – Performs no function
Set current target object to deep sky catalog object number NNNN
Returns : Nothing
Autostar II & Autostar – Implemented in later firmware revisions
:LF# Find Object using the current Size, Type, Upper limit, lower limt and Quality contraints and set it as current
target object.
Returns: Nothing
Autostar II & Autostar – Performs no function
:Lf# Identify object in current field.
Returns: <string>#
Where the string contains the number of objects in field & object in center field.
Autostar II & Autostar – Performs no function. Returns static string "0 - Objects found".
:LI# Get Object Information
Returns: <string>#
Returns a string containing the current target object's name and object type.
Autostar II & Autostar – performs no operation. Returns static description of Andromeda Galaxy.
Set current target object to Messier Object NNNN, an ASCII expressed decimal number.
Returns: Nothing.
Autostar II and Autostar – Implemented in later versions.
:LN# Find next deep sky target object subject to the current constraints.
Autostar II & AutoStar – Performs no function
:LoD# Select deep sky Library where D specifies
0 - Objects CNGC / NGC in Autostar & Autostar II
1 - Objects IC
2 – UGC
3 – Caldwell (Autostar & Autostar II)
4 – Arp (LX200GPS/RCX)
5 – Abell (LX200GPS/RCX)