14. Care and Maintenance
a) Changing Propeller
The spinner cap (1) is only pressed onto the propeller shaft and can be
easily removed by gently pulling it.
The propeller (2) itself is held on by a nut, which can be removed using
the open-ended spanner provided (3).
After the nut and the washer (4) have been removed, the propeller can
be dismounted.
When mounting the replacement propeller, note the shape of the airscrew.
The gently formed edges (5) must face forward as determined by the
rotation of the propeller.
After tightening the propeller into position, the spinner cap can be
repositioned as well.
b) Checking the Brushless Motor
After you have removed the propeller and undone the three mounting
screws on the motor hood, you can lift off the motor hood (pull forwards).
Then check the condition and the mounting of the brushless motor (1). In
particular, take care to check for any wear and tear and check the firm
seating of the motor attachment screws (2). Particular attention should
also be given to the two opposing grub screws (3) on the motor mounting.
c) General Maintenance
Check the rudder linkages and the control functions of the servos on your model regularly. All moving parts have to be easily movable but there should not be a
clearance in the bearing. If foam parts of the model need to be reglued after a hard landing, either use 5 minute epoxy resin or Styropor® superglue. Avoid using
adhesives which contain solvents at all costs.
Clean the exterior of the model and the remote control only with a soft, dry cloth or brush. Never use aggressive cleansing agents or chemical solvents, since this
might damage the surfaces.
Figure 19
Figure 20