Have the child focus on the end result — an instant image of their
teeth. If they can see the monitor, this will give them incentive to
cooperate. Most children are very comfortable with computers and will
be impressed to see an X-ray of their teeth on the screen.
Place your finger in the areas where you plan on placing the sensor.
Let the patient hold the sensor in the mouth (without biting it) to get
used to the feel of it.
Physically divert focus to something other than the sensor. Have the
child place his or her finger on their arm, hold the holder, or make a
certain sound.
Cable Protection
Depending on the holder type, there are cable grooves to help guide and protect the
sensor cable out of the oral cavity. Place the sensor cable into this groove and use
the Aiming Bar Cable Clips for protection. This works well when the sensor is placed
into the holder and then the entire assembly is sleeved.
On those occasions where it is necessary to sleeve the sensor before placing in the
holder, due to the thickness of the barrier, the cable may not stay in the groove. In
this case, verify that the cable is adjacent to the holder, either to the side that is to
the anterior or posterior of the holder. Since the holder will not allow for full closure,
the cable is protected. Again, please verify that the cable is not between the holder
and the teeth as it may become crimped upon the patient closing.
You must always ask patients to close lightly so that they have only the slightest of
contact. Do not allow patients to bite down on the cable. If you feel that you will not
have the patient's full cooperation, place an object such as a folded gauze or cotton
roll on the tab, to hold the teeth open just enough to keep the cable from harm. You
may also place the cable in an area where there are missing teeth or in an area
where, anatomically, there is an open space or lack full occlusion.