Automatic trim
This is recommended, but is not absolutely essential. Auto-trim works indepen-
dently of the auto-pilot, and makes life considerably easier for beginner and
pro-pilot alike. To use it, your transmitter needs a momentary (self-centring)
button or a toggle switch, assigned to an auxiliary channel. Many transmitters
feature a Trainer switch which can be re-programmed for this purpose. The
AUX channel has to be confi gured as the trim function using a PC. When the
model is fl ying, a brief button-press is suffi cient to record the trims automa-
tically for aileron, elevator and rudder (tail rotor). The settings are stored in
the unit, but can be revised at any time. The automatic trim function requires
around eight seconds of steady hovering in order to record the correct trim
values; they can then be called up immediately by pressing the button. ((kann
bei Platzmangel raus:)) Automatic trim can also improve the performance of
the integral tail rotor gyro if the neutral pitch angle of the tail rotor blades is not
adjusted properly.
To activate auto-trim, the AUX channel has to be confi gured as the trim input
using the PC adaptor. (The tail rotor gyro input is sacrifi ced for this, but this
presents no problems when using the PC adaptor, as it can be used to adjust
gyro gain.) The trim is triggered by switching the AUX signal to +100%
(> approx. 60%).
The LED fl ickers red (if assigned) to indicate that auto-trim has been sent.
Note that the trim channel must not be assigned to any other transmitter control
actions which you may have programmed, as you might then trigger auto-trim
accidentally. The trim switch should only be operated with the model in fl ight
(unlike the SET-button).
For erasing the internal auto-trim values:
call up the set-up mode (page 23), and then switch on again.
If you are using an FM / PPM system, the auto-pilot immediately responds to a
radio link failure by carrying out the following actions: aileron, elevator, tail rotor
to neutral, collective pitch to the last received position, stabilisation to position
mode, set to 65%. Fail-safe is not capable of eliminating all radio interference.
For optimum security we recommend the use of PCM systems.
Brief instructions - the essentials
The unit is as simple as we could make it in terms of setting-up and fl ying.
However, if you are a beginner to helicopters it is really essential to ask a friend
with experience of fl ying these machines to help you at the initial test-fl ying
stage, as the functions of a helicopter are very complex.
This double page and all the points marked with an exclamation mark
are particularly important, and should be read carefully even by pro-standard
• An electrical connection must be created as an earth between the tail boom,
the motor crankcase and the helicopter chassis.
• The higher in the model the unit is installed, the smoother the stabilisation in
position mode when close to the ground, and the larger the gain setting you
can safely use.
• Please ensure that the unit is set vertically, securely fi xed in the model, and
with an absolutely unobstructed view between the sensor and the ground.
• Important notes for internal-combustion helicopters and comprehensive
installation tips: see page 19.
All the mixer functions for elevator, aileron and tail rotor must be disabled:
always set single-servo (H1) mode, as the HeliCommand is designed to use its
own internal mixer exclusively.
Confi guration
The unit must be confi gured in order to match it to the model and the
RC system; this only needs to be carried out once (page 23).
If the standard default settings suit your model and RC system (page 22) this
setup can be omitted.
Before the fi rst fl ight with the system it is essential to check the control direc-
tions and the sensor directions on all three axes! (Seite 28)
All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com
The upgrade versions of HeliCommand
HeliCommand 3D
This version stabilises both the normal fl ight attitude and the inverted fl ight
attitude. (in inverted fl ight this is limited to horizontal stabilisation („yellow"),
because position holding („green") requires a visual link between the CCD sen-
sor and the ground.
Even so, this is suffi cient to make inverted hovering and aerobatics very much
easier.) The system does include optical interference suppression for situa-
tions where the CCD sensor is directed towards the sky, but for safety's sake
the stabilisation mode should always be switched from „green" to „yellow" be-
fore you start a session of aerobatics or inverted fl ight.
This is particularly important for indoor fl ying, but also for high-speed circuits
and fl ying at fairly high altitudes.
Additional important notes: see "Tips on fl ying", page 32
HeliCommand RIGID
If your rotor head has no fl ybar, you must use the HeliCommand RIGID, and
you must activate RIGID mode.
If not, you might fi nd that hovering works properly, but the danger is of increa-
sed turning rates which could overload an internal sensor, with risk of serious
problems in the stabilisation system!
All the RIGID-Mode set-up functions can be accessed using the PC adaptor;
they are explained in detail in the HeliCommand set-up software; once you
have selected HeliCommand RIGID as the device type. If you do not change
the set-up using the PC adaptor, the HeliCommand RIGID behaves exactly like
the HeliCommand 3D (page 27).
HeliCommand Profi
The professional version of the HeliCommand is designed for particularly va-
luable model helicopters as well as for industrial helicopters and commercial
applications such as fi lming, still photography, surveying etc. It is designed for
maximum possible precision, and features important supplementary airborne
instruments and other features including auxiliary optics for redundant drift de-
tection, greater fl ight altitudes and altitude stabilisation.
For more information please visit: www.Helicommand.com
Switching on
When the HeliCommand is switched on, it carries out a self-test
(LED fl ashes 8 x).
During this period the helicopter must be standing horizontal and must be left
LED fl ashes
continuously: error message (page 8)
Don't take the model off before the servos are responding to the controls!
It is important to check the controls because the throttle servo or speed con-
troller would respond to the transmitter even if all the other servos were not yet
receiving a signal; this might be because the self-test is still running, or because
an error has been detected.
Please observe the safety measures (page 36) at all times.
In particular, never take your eyes off the helicopter in the air even when positi-
on mode is switched on, as occasional drift or interference infl uences may occur
at any time without warning.
• Indoor fl ying: please be sure to read the notes on page 33
• Do not fl y inverted or attempt aerobatics (3D) with the 3A version;
see page 34
• Models without a fl ybar can only be stabilised using the RIGID version, and
only then if RIGID mode is activated; see page 34
• Even though the system incorporates integral fail-safe and stabilisation cir-
cuits, it is not capable of avoiding all crashes caused by radio interference,
other transmitters etc. We recommend that you use a PCM system, and
check the aerial deployment in the model very carefully.
• Severe stress, vibration and ageing will eventually take their toll on system
accuracy, and may require a readjustment of the internal calibrations and
temperature compensation values if good precision is to be maintained.
This work can be carried out by any Robbe Service Centre.