Positioning System Assembly
• Assemble the rings, bars and holders so that the entire sensor area is vis-
ible through the ring. This applies to horizontal or vertical bitewing hold-
ers, Periapical (anterior or posterior) holders, and hand-held holders.
• Place the sheath over the sensor.
• Attach the sensor to the positioner. The sensor will only fit into the holder
one way.
• Place the cable into the groove on the holder whenever possible. This
protects it when the patient closes. Should you choose to use the cable
clip, snap clips onto bar near holder and place the sensor cable into the
clip. Please see "Cable Protection" on page 29 and the Positioning Tuto-
rial for complete information on cable protection.
The DEXIS Titanium sensor is not compatible with previous
DEXIS sensor holders.
3.2.1 Inserting Sensor into Hygienic Sheath
To help prevent cross-contamination between patients, place a new
hygienic sheath on the sensor for each new patient.
A sheath can be placed over the sensor prior to inserting the sensor into the
holder or can also be placed over both the sensor and holder together. In
cases where two sheaths are preferred, place the sensor in the universal
sensor sheath and then the larger positioning system sheath over the sen-
sor and holder.
Correct Placement Using the Paralleling Technique
We recommend using the sensor holders included with your new DEXIS Ti-
tanium sensor. Correct placement of the sensor in the patient's mouth is
essential for obtaining acceptable X-ray image quality. These holders are
specially designed to work with the DEXIS Titanium sensor and the DEXray