Do NOT use any of the cleaning agents listed above for previous
versions of DEXIS sensors except CaviCide.
The slightly different design of the cable attachment and color on
those sensors will help you to distinguish them from the DEXIS
Titanium sensors. In addition, with the DEXIS Classic, connection to
the PC is through a controller. (The DEXIS Titanium and Platinum
sensors connect directly to one of the USB ports on the PC.)
The DEXIS Manufacturer's Warranty and KaVo Complete Protection
Plan cover hardware failure due to reasonable "wear and tear". Exces-
sive external damage to the DEXIS components could result in the void-
ing of either of these coverages.
Proper Care of the DEXIS Titanium Sensor Holders
Your sensor holders should be disinfected after each use. The DEXIS Tita-
nium sensor holders can be disinfected in a steam autoclave using dis-
tilled water at temperature of 275
However, certain restrictions apply:
• Run the appropriate autoclave cycle according to ANSI/AAMI ST79 & A1
& A2 & A3: 275
F (135
30 minutes.
• Always avoid direct contact of the holders with metal trays, instruments,
and heating elements.
• Always place holders in autoclave bags.
• Always situate bagged holders into the autoclave so that they are fur-
thest from the heat source.
• Do not use a chemical autoclave.
Exposing the holders to hot metal and placing them close to heating ele-
ments will reduce the lifetime of the holders.
F (135
C) at 216 kPa for 10 minutes.
C) at 216 kPa for 10 minutes, drying time minimum
Install ation, Care, an d Mai nte nance