Activating Partial Mode
ode is used when the fuel efficiency of the car is tested. It reduces the energy
ion of the infotainment system by shutting off certain functions that consumes
Activating Partial Mode
rgy, e.g. WiFi, Bluetooth the screen will also be set to the lowest display
s, see "1.5.2 Partial Mode" on page 104 for more details.
de is used when the fuel efficiency of the car is tested. It reduces the energy
ion of the infotainment system by shutting off certain functions that consumes
Activating Partial Mode
p and hold the home button for 5 seconds to activate partial mode. Tapping the
gy, e.g. WiFi, Bluetooth the screen will also be set to the lowest display
ton will deactivate partial mode and return the driver to the previous view.
s, see "1.5.2 Partial Mode" on page 104 for more details.
de is used when the fuel efficiency of the car is tested. It reduces the energy
ion of the infotainment system by shutting off certain functions that consumes
3.1.3 Activating Partial Mode
Activating Partial Mode
p and hold the home button for 5 seconds to activate partial mode. Tapping the
gy, e.g. WiFi, Bluetooth the screen will also be set to the lowest display
e energy
on will deactivate partial mode and return the driver to the previous view.
s, see "1.5.2 Partial Mode" on page 104 for more details.
rtial mode is used when the fuel efficiency of the car is tested. It reduces the energy
ode is used when the fuel efficiency of the car is tested. It reduces the energy
Centre de notification
nsumption of the infotainment system by shutting off certain functions that consumes
ion of the infotainment system by shutting off certain functions that consumes
p and hold the home button for 5 seconds to activate partial mode. Tapping the
re energy, e.g. WiFi, Bluetooth the screen will also be set to the lowest display
rgy, e.g. WiFi, Bluetooth the screen will also be set to the lowest display
Les messages contextuels pour les
on will deactivate partial mode and return the driver to the previous view.
ghtness, see "1.5.2 Partial Mode" on page 104 for more details.
s, see "1.5.2 Partial Mode" on page 104 for more details.
appels manqués ou les notifications du
pping the
mply tap and hold the home button for 5 seconds to activate partial mode. Tapping the
p and hold the home button for 5 seconds to activate partial mode. Tapping the
système, qui étaient auparavant affi-
Activating Partial Mode
ton will deactivate partial mode and return the driver to the previous view.
me button will deactivate partial mode and return the driver to the previous view.
o n e l a n g u a g e a v a i l a b l e .
chés et ignorés sur l'écran du conduc-
E x a m p l e s o f l a n g u a g e s e l e c t i o n k e y w i t h t w o a n d
ode is used when the fuel efficiency of the car is tested. It reduces the energy
teur et l'écran central, peuvent être
ion of the infotainment system by shutting off certain functions that consumes
Activating Partial Mode
Fig. 3
rgy, e.g. WiFi, Bluetooth the screen will also be set to the lowest display
Fig. 1
à nouveau consultés dans le centre
s, see "1.5.2 Partial Mode" on page 104 for more details.
de is used when the fuel efficiency of the car is tested. It reduces the energy
Tap and Hold
de notification.
5 seconds
ion of the infotainment system by shutting off certain functions that consumes
p and hold the home button for 5 seconds to activate partial mode. Tapping the
gy, e.g. WiFi, Bluetooth the screen will also be set to the lowest display
ton will deactivate partial mode and return the driver to the previous view.
s, see "1.5.2 Partial Mode" on page 104 for more details.
Tap and Hold
Ouvrir le centre de notification
5 seconds
p and hold the home button for 5 seconds to activate partial mode. Tapping the
F i g . 3
Appuyez sur le bouton .
F i g . 4
on will deactivate partial mode and return the driver to the previous view.
Tap and Hold
5 seconds
Tap Interaction
Tap and Hold
Tap and Hold
5 seconds
5 seconds
Tap and Hold
5 seconds
n g s a p p l i c a t i o n .
Tap and Hold
5 seconds
g s b u t t o n , t a p p i n g t h i s b u t t o n w i l l t a k e t h e u s e r t o t h e l a n g u a g e
d l a n g u a g e s k e y c a n d i s p l a y a m a x i m u m o f 3 l a n g u a g e s a s w e l l
a l s o h a s s e c o n d a r y f u n c t i o n s w h e n t h e t a p a n d h o l d g e s t u r e h a s
r d K e y P o p - u p s C o n t i n u e d
Emira Main Owners handbook EU Territories-FR.indd 98
Fig. 2
t h e s p a c e b a r f o r 2 s e c o n d s t h e n d i s a p p e a r .
O n c e l a n g u a g e h a s b e e n c h a n g e d , l a n g u a g e t i t l e w i l l b e d i s p l a y e d o n
F i g . 6
Fig. 2
Fig. 2
Fig. 2
Fig. 2
Tap Interaction
Tap Interaction
Tap Interaction
Fig. 2
Tap Interaction
Fig. 2
Fermeture du centre de notification
Tap Interaction
F i g . 5
Tap Interaction
Nom complet du contact
1 Appel manqué - Il y a 2 heures
Nom complet du contact
1 Appel manqué - Il y a 2 heures
Mise à jour du système disponible
Allez dans les paramètres pour mettre à jour votre système avec les derniers logiciels.
Pression des pneus faible
Fig. 3
Veuillez contrôler les pneus avant de continuer.
Fig. 3
Fig. 3
Faites défiler pour voir tous les messages.
Fig. 3
Fig. 3
Pour les messages téléphoniques, appuyez sur le symbole
Effacez tous les messages en appuyant sur le bouton
s p a c e b a r o r p e r f o r m i n g a s i n g l e t a p o n l a n g u a g e b u t t o n .
U s e r c a n a l s o s w i t c h b e t w e e n l a n g u a g e s b y s w i p i n g t h e
Effacez les messages individuels en faisant glisser le message vers la
Fig. 3
gauche de l'écran pour faire apparaître le bouton
ou faites glisser le message jusqu'à l'extrémité de l'écran.
Tap Interaction
Fig. 3
Faites glisser vers le haut n'importe où en dehors de la liste des messages.
Appuyez sur le symbole
au bas de l'écran.
1 . 4 . M O D U L E S & C O M P O N E N T S
Supprimer tout
9 6
pour rappeler.
en haut de l'écran.
et appuyez dessus,
17/11/2022 16:02:34