Magmaweld ID 500 TW DC PULSE Mode D'emploi page 22

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If you have a 100 A initial current, the crater current (ending current) will be 30 A. Indica-
Example :
tes that if the end ramp time is set to 1 sec, it will also decrease from the main current to
the crater current for 1 sec.
• There is the final gas time after the crater current. The final gas time is set between
0-20 sec. This time may vary depending on the user's request.
• In case of complaints such as darkening at the end of welding or deformation at
tungsten tip , it will be necessary to increase the final gas time.
• When you press the trigger, pre gas comes out. Starts welding in ignition current after
In 4-Trigger mode;
pre-gas is received. As long as the trigger is not released, the machine continues to weld
in the ignition current, when the trigger is released, it makes the ramp for the set ramp
time and continues welding at the main current.
• When you press the trigger again and when you want to end the welding, the ramp time
starts to advance and continues on the ramp as long as you press and hold the trigger.
• When the ramp time is over, it will waits for crater filling and allow you to fill the crater.
• After the crater is over, you can release your hand from the trigger.
• Cools the workpiece during the final gas period and you will complete the welding process
by this means.
• In 4-trigger mode all menus and settings in the 2-trigger mode shall apply in the same way.
In 4-Trigger Mode, the TIG Curve operates as follows;
In 4-trigger mode, unlike 2-trigger modes, the pit current in the TIG curve will also be
active. Pit current is only used with multi-function torch in 4-trigger mode.
• It is used to correct errors during the pit current welding process.
• The pit current is determined in terms of %. It is in the range of 1-100%. If the machine is
100 A and the pit current is 50 A, then this means the pit current is set to 50 A, which is
50% of the main current. The level of the high and low currents will be set here.
If the main current 100 A is set to 50 A and the pit current is set as 50 A and if the machine
Example :
is using a multi-function torch, the machine uses 50 A when the machine is welding at 100
A and the pit current button is pressed over the torch.
Thus, if there is a possible defect in the welding seam, the machine will be switched to low
current and the required repair will be done in order to prevent drilling in the heated area.
Afterwards, when the main current button is re-pressed over the torch, the machine
recovers to 100 Amperes and the user may resume the welding process.
PrG : Initial Gas Time
: Welding Current
PoG : Final Gas Time


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