Montagehinweise / Mounting information / Consigne de montage / Montagetip
Max. loading permitted for the products listed below: 150kg
7485 053
7484 061
7485 054
7484 091
7485 061
7486 064
7485 091
7486 065
7484 054
7486 066
7484 055
7486 067
7484 056
7486 115
7484 076
7486 116
Max. loading permitted for the products listed below: 100kg
7453 030
7453 180
7453 040
7464 040
7453 060
7464 075
7453 080
7464 076
7453 100
7464 077
7453 160
7464 078
NORMBAU products are maintenance-free.
Care and cleaning instructions
Risk of injury
Improper cleaning can cause damage to the surface and lead to injuries.
Cavere Care
Powder-coated products from NORMBAU have a smooth, easy-to-clean surface.
In order to maintain the decorative design and color of the coating of our products
for years, cleaning and care must be carried out professionally. Slightly adhering
dirt can be removed with a sponge and water to which a neutral cleaning agent
(e.g. dishwashing liquid) is added. Immediately after each cleaning process, rinse
with pure, cold water. A chamois or microfiber cloth removes the remaining wiping
marks or drops of water. Abrasive or strong acidic/alkaline cleaning agents should
never be used. With metallic coatings, heavy soiling should be cleaned as soon as
possible, since dried and old dirt can often only be removed abrasively and with
the risk of damage to the powder coating or a change in color. Common wiping
disinfectants can be used.
2022-10-26 / 8214 415 / C
7486 117
9485 053
7486 118
9485 054
7486 119
9485 061
7486 120
9485 091
7486 121
9484 054
7486 122
9484 055
9484 061
9484 056
9484 091
9484 076
7464 095
7488 060
7464 096
7488 119
7464 130
7488 110
7464 131
7488 120
7464 160
9453 030
7464 161
9453 040
9486 064
9486 119
9486 065
9486 120
9486 066
9486 121
9486 067
9486 122
9486 115
9488 060
9486 116
9488 119
9486 117
9488 110
9486 118
9488 120
9453 060
9464 077
9453 080
9464 078
9453 100
9464 095
9464 040
9464 096
9464 075
9464 076
8 von 24