⚠ Installation must be carried out by qualified and experienced personnel in compliance with applicable regulations.
Preliminary checks
⚠ Before installing the operator:
• Check that the gate is stable, and that the sliding wheels are in good condition and greased.
• Check that the ground guide is securely fixed to the ground, completely on the surface and free from irregularities that may hinder gate movement.
• Check that the upper guide blocks do not create friction.
• Make sure there is one opening and one closing mechanical stop.
• Make sure that the mounting point for the gearmotor is in an area protected from impacts and that the anchoring surface is solid;
• Provide a suitable single-pole disconnection device, with a maximum of 3 mm between the contacts, to disconnect the power supply;
Make sure that any connections within the container (made to ensure the continuity of the protection circuit) are fitted with extra insulation compared to the
other internal conductor parts;
• Prepare suitable piping and ducts for routing the electrical cables, ensuring protection against mechanical damage.