Saia-Burgess Controls AG
Module de moteur pas à pas PCD2/3.H222 - Manuel du matériel | Doc. 26-878, vers. FRA05 | 2017-05-30
read error
Par.4 = value (2 Bytes)
Byte 0: Error code
0: no error
1: undefined error
2: communication error
3: prohibited parameter used
4: input disabled but used for motion
5: no REF found between LS1 and LS2
6: LS or REF move need to be done first when valid area was left
7: Stop instruction proceeded
8: EMSTOP is/was active
9: proceeded no. of steps did not match previewed
10: two or more parameter for motion profile do not fit together
Byte 1: Warning code
1: jerk values set to zero
2: Vmax never reached
3: step added at the end of motion profile
to reach correct no. of steps
4: steps removed at the end of motion profile
to reach correct no. of steps
5: Vstop to big (Vstop > 2*Vmin)
6: Vmin was bigger than Vmax -> Vmin reduced to Vmax
7: one or more parameter for motion profile out of range
8: no motion parameters loaded after module reset
read firmware version
Par.4 = value (4 Byte/Character)
format x.yy
Fonctions programmables dans PG5
Accès par des blocs de fonctions (FB)