M o d e l l s p o r t
E L E V A T O R , - R U D D E R L I N K A G E , A S S E M B L Y
The rudder is already prefabricated with slots and
hinges and has to be glued to the end of the fuse-
lage. Plug the rudder into the fuselage and check
whether the required rudder deflection is possible.
Then glue the hinges to the fuselage and rudder
using thin superglue. It is sufficient if superglue is
instilled into the gap of the hinge.
Afterwards the boom must first be guided through
the boom connection on the servo side in order to
be able to be hooked into the rudder.
ATTENTION: Check the careful bonding.
Loose rudders in flight may lead to perso-
nal injury and damage to property!
Both FS-155 BB+MG servos were already installed in
the fuselage at the factory. To finish, check with the
aid of your remote control whether the required
rudder deflections are achieved and whether the
servos, including the associated rudders, are in
the neutral position. For this purpose the linkage of
the elevator must be guided through the linkage
connection of the elevator servo. Cut off any
excess length using combination pliers to prevent
mechanical starting of the servos. Then set both
servos to neutral position (for example by using a
servo tester), the servo arms should be at 90° and
adjust the elevator (according to fuselage contou-
ring) to neutral as well as the rudder in the course
of the fuselage. The rods must now be clamped by
using a 1.5mm Allen key.
ATTENTION: Check that both rods are
carefully clamped to the servos. Loose
booms may cause personal injury or ma-
terial damage! The servos must under no
circumstances be mechanically blocked!
This could lead to the defect of the servo
and possibly to personal injury and mate-
rial damage!
A I L E R O N L I N K A G E , F I N A L A S S E M B L Y
The two halves are attached to the fuselage by
two steel wires. It is sufficient to tap both ends of the
thicker steel wire flat with a hammer. Only so much
that the tail halves are no longer loose, but also not
too difficult to attach.
As with the two tail servos, also check for the two
already installed aileron servos whether the required
rudder deflection is possible. It is important that the
neutral position of the servo lever is NOT 90° to the lin-
kage, but points at least one tooth at the servo lever
in the direction of the leading edge. This ena- bles a
mechanical differentiation which is particular- ly hel-
pful for the ailerons in the landing configuration which
are set very high.
ATTENTION: Make sure that all screws are
tightened and the servos are well bonded.
Loosened control surfaces linkage may lead
to personal injury and damage to property!
Please check whether the linkage touches the
circular cutout of the wing to achieve the required
rudder deflection! If this is the case, it is sufficient to
file a small notch in this area of the wing with a file.
ATTENTION: The servo must under no cir-
cumstances be mechanically blocked! This
could lead to the defect of the servo and
possibly to persons and Material damage!
If everything fits, the two servo covers can best be
bonded with UHU Por. All you need is a small adhe-
sive film to be able to remove the cover easily later
during maintenance. We recommend determining
the optimum position by actuating the servo so that
the fixed cover does not block the linkage later.