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SINAMICS G130/G150 Manuel de listes · 11/2009 SINAMICS...
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Avant-propos Paramètres SINAMICS Diagrammes fonctionnels SINAMICS G130/G150 Défauts et alarmes Annexe Manuel de listes Index des abréviations Bibliographie Index Valable pour Entraînement Version de firmware SINAMICS 4.3 SP1 A5E03263482A 11/2009...
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Veuillez tenir compte des points suivants : Attention Les produits Siemens ne doivent être utilisés que pour les applications prévues décrites dans le catalogue et dans la documentation technique correspondante. Lors de l'utilisation d'appareils et de composants non-Siemens, ceux-ci doivent être recommandés ou agréés par Siemens. L'exploitation sûre et sans res- triction des produits requiert au préalable des conditions correctes de transport, d'entreposage, d'implan-...
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Control Unit fonctionne (par exemple, type d'appareil, macro, partie puissance). Remarque : Pour SINAMICS G130/G150, les macros et leurs paramétrages sont documentés dans la bibliographie suivante : SINAMICS G130/G150 Instructions de service Non applicable pour type moteur Indique pour quel type de moteur ce paramètre n'a aucune signification.
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Saisie de l'inductance d'un filtre sinus branché en sortie de la partie puissance. Dépendance: Le paramètre est renseigné automatiquement lors de la sélection d'un filtre via p0230 si un filtre SIEMENS a été défini pour la partie puissance. Voir aussi: p0230 Remarque: En quittant la mise en service rapide par p3900 = 1, la valeur du paramètre est posée égal à...
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= 1 comporte les calculs de p0340 = 2, 3, 4, 5 sans écraser des paramètres moteurs des listes de moteur Siemens (p0301 > 0). p0340 = 2 calcule les paramètres moteurs (p0350 ... p0360), mais seulement si aucun moteur de liste Siemens n'est présent (p0301 = 0).
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Avec le réglage bit 2 = 1, le bit 3 est activé automatiquement. Une désactivation manuelle est possible et peut s'avérer judicieuse dans le cas d'un moteur non listé n'ayant pas subi de mesure de la caractéristique de saturation (p1960). Dans le cas des moteurs SIEMENS standard, la caractéristique de saturation réglée par défaut suffit généralement.
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Lors du calcul des paramètres de régulation, du moteur et de commande (comme p0340 = 1), les paramètres venant d'une liste de moteurs Siemens choisie ne sont pas écrasés. Lorsqu'aucun moteur de liste n'est réglé (voir p0300), les paramètres suivants sont réinitialisés avec p3900 > 0 afin d'établir des rapports comme à...
Page 657
145 : Le composant n'a pas terminé à temps le contrôle du firmware chargé (total de contrôle). 156 : Le composant avec le numéro indiqué n'existe pas. Autres valeurs : Uniquement à des fins de diagnostic d'erreur interne à Siemens. Dépendance: Voir aussi: p7828 Remarque: Si le téléchargement du firmware s'effectue sans erreur, p7829 est remis automatiquement à...
Page 756
Pas pour type de moteur: - Normalisation: - Liste pour expert: 1 Réglage usine Description: Uniquement à des fins de maintenance interne à Siemens. Dépendance: Voir aussi: r9406, r9407 Remarque: Tous les indices de r9406 à r9408 caractérisent le même paramètre.
Page 829
Liste pour expert: 1 Réglage usine 0000 hex 0007 07FF hex 0007 02FF hex Description: Uniquement à des fins de maintenance interne à Siemens. p9916 DRIVE-CLiQ Erreur de transmission Seuil de coupure Esclave / DLQ Défaut Esclave CU_G_G130, Modifiable: C1(1) Calculé: - Niveau d'accès: 4...
Page 839
Liste pour expert: 1 Réglage usine Description: Paramètre de diagnostic dédié à l'affichage d'informations additionnelles sur le défaut interne au logiciel. Remarque: Uniquement à des fins de diagnostic d'erreur interne à Siemens. p10000 SI Période d'échantillonnage / SI t_échant TM54F_MA, Modifiable: C2(95) Calculé: -...
Page 863
Paramètres pour jeux de paramètres de commande (Command Data Set, CDS) La liste suivante présente les paramètres concernés par les jeux de paramètres de com- mande. Product: SINAMICS G130/G150, Version: 4301400, Language: fra, Type: CDS p0641[0...n] CI: Limite du courant variable / Limite courant var p0700[0...n] Macro Entrées binecteur (BI) / Macro BI...
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Paramètres pour jeux de paramètres d'entraînement (Drive Data Set, DDS) La liste suivante présente les paramètres concernés par les jeux de paramètres d'entraîne- ment. Product: SINAMICS G130/G150, Version: 4301400, Language: fra, Type: DDS p0186[0...n] Jeu de paramètres moteur (MDS) Numéro / Numéro MDS p0187[0...n] Capteur 1 Jeu de paramètres codeur Numéro / Capt1 numéro EDS...
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Paramètres pour jeux de paramètres codeur (Encoder Data Set, EDS) La liste suivante présente les paramètres concernés par les jeux de paramètres codeur. Product: SINAMICS G130/G150, Version: 4301400, Language: fra, Type: EDS p0141[0...n] Interface capteur (Sensor Module) Numéro de composant / Intf_cod n° compos p0142[0...n]...
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Paramètres pour jeux de paramètres de moteur (Motor Data Set, MDS) La liste suivante présente les paramètres concernés par les jeux de paramètres de moteur. Product: SINAMICS G130/G150, Version: 4301400, Language: fra, Type: MDS p0131[0...n] Moteur Numéro de composant / Moteur n° compos.
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Paramètres pour jeux de paramètres de partie puissance (Power unit Data Set, PDS) La liste suivante présente les paramètres concernés par les jeux de paramètres de partie puissance. Product: SINAMICS G130/G150, Version: 4301400, Language: fra, Type: PDS p0121[0...n] Partie puissance Numéro de composant / PP n° composant p0124[0...n] Partie puissance Reconnaissance via LED / PP Reconnaiss.LED...
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Binectors Parameter Connectors/binectors Connectors Symbol Symbol Meaning Symbol Meaning Meaning Symbol Meaning Parameter name Parameter name [Unit] Monitoring parameter rxxxx [x...y] rxxxx (parameter may appear . name name Connector/binector output CO/BO rxxxx pxxxx pxxxx Binektor input BI with Connector input CI. factory setting (Def).
Page 890
Symbols for computational and closed-loop Pre-assigned binectors and connectors Symbols for logic functions control functions Fixed percentage values Logical inversion Fixed value 1 -10 000.00...10 000.00 [%] p2900[D] p2900[D] (0.00) Threshold value switch 1/0 AND element Fixed value 2 Outputs at y a logical "1" if x < S. -10 000.00...10 000.00 [%] with logical inversion p2901[D]...
Page 891
PT1 element Switch-on delay PT2 low pass Natural frequency, denominator Damping, denominator fn_n pxxxx pxxxx pxxxx pxxxx Delay element, first order. pxxxx pxxxx = time constant The digital signal x must have the value "1" without any interruption during the time T before output y changes to "1". 2nd-order filter (bandstop/general filter) Natural frequency, numerator Damping, numerator...
Page 892
Handling BICO technology Binectors are binary signals that can be freely interconnected (BO = Binector Output). Binector: r0723.15 They represent a bit of a "BO:" display parameter (e.g. bit 15 from r0723). Connectors are "analog signals" that can be freely interconnected (e.g. percentage variables, speeds or torques). Connector: r0723 Connectors are also "CO:"...
Page 894
24 V DC to the CU320-2 Simulation for DI 0...DI 21 1 = Simulation on p0799 (4000.00 μs) next device p0795.0...21 r0721.0...21 X124 + 24 V r0722.0...21 r0723.0...21 Simulation signals p0796.0...21 6 digital inputs, electrically isolated X122 r0722.0 r0723.0 DI 0 DI 1 DI 2 r0722.3...
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X500 DRIVE-CLiQ socket 0 p4099 (4000.00 μs) X501 +24 V DC DRIVE-CLiQ socket 1 to the next device Simulation for DI 0...DI 3 1 = Simulation on p4095.0...3 r4022.0...3 r4023.0...3 X424 +24 V Simulation signals p4096.0..3 4 digital inputs, electrically isolated r4022.0 r4023.0 X481...
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1 = Simulation on +24 V DC to the Simulation for DI 0...DI 11 DRIVE-CLiQ-socket 0 X500 p4099 (4000.00 μs) p4095.0...11 next device X540 r4021.0...11 +24 V X501 DRIVE-CLiQ-socket 1 +24 V Auxiliary voltage for X524 +24 V r4022.0...11 r4023.0..11 the digital inputs +24 V +24 V...
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24 V DC to the next device X124.+ +24 V p0799 X124.+ DI 0 … DI 3, DI 16, DI 17 DI 0 … DI 3, DI 16, DI 17 inverted r0723 r0722 X124.M 1 = Simulation on p0795.0 X124.M <1>...
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24 V DC to the next device X124.+ +24 V p0799 X124.+ DI 4 … DI 7, DI 20, DI 21 DI 4 … DI 7, DI 20, DI 21 inverted r0723 r0722 X124.M 1 = Simulation on p0795.4 X124.M <1>...
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<1> r0747.9 X122.11 <2> For SERVO and VECTOR (except for SINAMICS G130/G150), the following applies: <1> The connection shown as a dashed line applies Can be used as fast measuring probe inputs (refer to [4735], [4740]). when used as digital output (p0728.x = 1).
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<1> r0747.11 X122.14 <2> For SERVO and VECTOR (except for SINAMICS G130/G150), the following applies: <1> The connection shown as a dashed line applies Can be used as fast measuring probe inputs (refer to [4735], [4740]). when used as digital output (p0728.x = 1).
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<1> r0747.13 X132.11 <2> For SERVO and VECTOR (except for SINAMICS G130/G150), the following applies: <1> The connection shown as a dashed line applies Can be used as fast measuring probe inputs (refer to [4735], [4740]). when used as digital output (p0728.x = 1).
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<1> r0747.15 X132.14 <2> For SERVO and VECTOR (except for SINAMICS G130/G150), the following applies: <1> The connection shown as a dashed line applies Can be used as fast measuring probe inputs (refer to [4735], [4740]). when used as digital output (p0728.x = 1).
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<4> The response monitoring time t_response is automatically r2065 Diagnostic parameters defined when configuring PROFIBUS/PROFINET PD mast-SoL S_Src PN Name of Station (e.g. HW Config made by SIEMENS). <6> r61000[0...239] p2045 <5> Only for the clock-cycle synchronous operation of the r2050[3] SERVO and VECTOR drive object.
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<1> <2> <4> PROFIdrive sampling time PD Telegram select p0922 (999) Refer to [1020.7] Interconnec [2440] [2450] automatically Not suitably for sensorless vector control tion is made <5> <6> <6> <6> <5> <5> according to Telegram Appl.-Class 1, 4 1, 4 4 DSC 4 DSC PZD 1...
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<1> <2> <4> PROFIdrive sampling time PD Telegr_select p0922 (999) Refer to [1020.7] Interconnec- [2440] [2450] automatically tion is made <5> <5> <5> <5> <5> <5> <5> according to <5> <5> <5> Telegramm Appl.- Class 1, 4 1, 4 4 DSC 4 DSC 4 DSC 4 DSC...
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<1> <1> <2> <2> <4> <4> PROFIdrive sampling time PD Telegram select p0922 (999) Refer to [1020.7] Interconnection is made [2440] [2450] automatically [2481] [2483] <5> <5> according to Telegram Appl.- Class 4 DSC <3> <3> PZD 1 STW1 ZSW1 STW1_BM ZSW1_BM STW1...
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Signal targets for STW1_BM <1> PROFIdrive sampling time Refer to [1020.7] Interconnection [Function diagram] [Function diagram] Signal Meaning Inverted parameters internal control word signal target = ON (pulses can be enabled) STW1.0 p0840[0] = r2090.0 [2501.3] [2610] 0 = OFF1 (braking with ramp-function generator, then pulse cancellation and ready-to-power-up) 1 = No OFF2 (enable is possible) STW1.1 p0844[0] = r2090.1...
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Signal targets for STW2_BM <1> PROFIdrive sampling time Refer to [1020.7] Interconnection [Function diagram] [Function diagram] Signal Meaning Inverted parameters internal control word signal target STW2.0 Command data set selection CDS, bit 0 p0810 = r2093.0 [8560] STW2.1 Command data set selection CDS, bit 1 p0811 = r2093.1 [8560] p0820[0] = r2093.2...
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Signal sources for ZSW1_BM <1> PROFIdrive Abtastzeit siehe [1020.7] Interconnection [Function diagram] [Function diagram] Inverted Signal Meaning parameters Internal status word signal source <2> ZSW1.0 1 = Ready to power-up p2080[0] = r0899.0 [2503.7] [2610] ZSW1.1 1 = Ready to operate p2080[1] = r0899.1 [2503.7] [2610]...
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Signal sources for ZSW2_BM <1> PROFIdrive sampling time Refer to [1020.7] Interconnection [Function diagram] [Function diagram] Signal Meaning Inverted parameters internal status word signal source ZSW2.0 Reserved <3> <3> ZSW2.1 Reserved <3> <3> ZSW2.2 Reserved <3> <3> ZSW2.3 Reserved <3> <3>...
Page 922
PROFIdrive sampling time Refer to [1020.7] Signal receivers for PZD receive signals <1> <2> PROFIBUS PROFIdrive Interconnection Data PROFINET Function diagram Signal Meaning Normalization Signal No. parameter type [2442][2443] <3> STW1 Control word 1 (bitwise) [2475] <3> [2444] (bitwise) STW2 Control word 2 [2445] PROFIdrive...
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PROFIdrive sampling time Refer to [1020.7] Signal receivers for PZD receive signals PROFIBUS <1> <2> PROFINET PROFIdrive Interconnection Function Signal Meaning Data type Normalization Signal No. parameter diagram MOMRED Torque reduction p1542 [5610.2] 4000 hex p2003 MT_STW Measuring probe control word p0682 PROFIdrive POS_STW...
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PROFIdrive sampling time Signal targets for STW1 in Interface Mode VIK-NAMUR (p2038 = 2) <1> Refer to [1020.7] Interconnection [Function diagram] [Function diagram] Signal Meaning Inverted parameters internal control word signal target = ON (pulses can be enabled) STW1.0 p0840[0] = r2090.0 [2501.3] [2610] 0 = OFF1 (braking with ramp-function generator, then pulse cancllation &...
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Signal targets for STW1 in Interface Mode SINAMICS (p2038 = 0) <1> PROFIdrive sampling time Refer to [1020.7] Interconnection [Function diagram] [Function diagram] Signal Meaning Inverted parameters internal control word signal target = ON (pulses can be enabled) STW1.0 p0840[0] = r2090.0 [2501.3] [2610] 0 = OFF1 (braking with ramp-function generator, then pulse cancellation and ready-to-power-up)
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Signal targets for STW2 in Interface Mode SINAMICS (p2038 = 0) <1> PROFIdrive sampling time Refer to [1020.7] Interconnection [Function diagram] [Function diagram] Signal Meaning Inverted parameters internal control word signal target p0820[0] = r2093.0 STW2.0 Drive data set selection DDS, bit 0 [8565] <4>...
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PROFIdrive sampling time Signal sources for PZD send signals <1> Refer to [1020.7] PROFIdrive Interconnection Signal Description Function diagram Data type Normalization Signal No. parameter ZSW1 Status word 1 r2089[0] [2452][2453][2479] <2> PROFIdrive send telegram ZSW2 Status word 2 r2089[1] [2454][2455] <2>...
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PROFIdrive sampling time Refer to [1020.7] Signal sources for PZD send signals <1> PROFIdrive Interconnection Function Signal Description Data type Normalization Signal No. parameter diagram PROFIdrive send telegram MELDW Message word r2089[2] [2456] MSOLL_GLATT Total speed setpoint smoothed r0079[1] [5610] <2> 4000 hex p2003 Header...
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PROFIdrive sampling time Signal sources for ZSW1 in Interface Mode VIK-NAMUR (p2038 = 2) <1> Refer to [1020.7] Interconnection [Function diagram] [Function diagram] Signal Meaning Inverted parameters Internal status word Signal source <2> ZSW1.0 1 = Ready to power-up p2080[0] = r0899.0 [2503.7] [2610] ZSW1.1...
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Signal sources for ZSW1 im Interface Mode SINAMICS (p2038 = 0) <1> PROFIdrive Abtastzeit siehe [1020.7] Interconnection [Function diagram] [Function diagram] Inverted Signal Meaning parameters Internal status word signal source <2> ZSW1.0 1 = Ready to power-up p2080[0] = r0899.0 [2503.7] [2610] ZSW1.1...
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Signal sources for ZSW2 in Interface Mode SINAMICS (p2038 = 0) <1> PROFIdrive sampling time Refer to [1020.7] Interconnection [Function diagram] [Function diagram] Signal Meaning Inverted parameters internal status word signal source ZSW2.0 1 = Drive data set DDS effective, bit 0 p2081[0] = r0051.0 [8565] ZSW2.1...
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<6> r2090.0 PROFIdrive sampling time <6> r2090.15 <1> <4> PZD receive word 1 r2050[0] Refer to [1020.7] r2091.0 r2060[0] DWORD r2091.15 PZD receive word 2 r2050[1] r2092.0 r2060[1] DWORD PROFIBUS r2092.15 PZD receive word 3 r2050[2] PROFINET r2093.0 r2060[2] DWORD r2093.15 PZD receive word 4 r2050[3]...
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r2063[0...30] IF1 Diag send Wort 1...32 PROFIdrive sampling time r2053[0...31] <2> p2051[0] <2> <1> (0)0 <1> PZD send word 1 p2061[0] <4> DWORD p2051[1] (0)0 PZD send word 2 p2061[1] DWORD p2051[2] (0)0 PZD send word 3 p2061[2] DWORD p2051[3] (0)0 PZD send word 4 p2061[3]...
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p2088[2].0 p2048 5 binector-connector converter Free status word 3 p2082[0...15] (0.0) r2089[2] (0.0) p2088[0].0 p2088[2].15 Status word 1 p2080[0...15] (0.0) r2089[0] [15] (0.0) (0.0) p2088[0].15 p2088[3].0 [15] (0.0) Free status word 4 p2083[0...15] (0.0) r2089[3] (0.0) p2088[3].15 p2088[1].0 [15] (0.0) Status word 2 p2081[0...15] (0.0)
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r2090.0 PROFIdrive sampling time Refer to [1020.7] r2090.15 PROFIBUS PROFINET <1> PZD receive word 1 r2050[0] r2091.0 PZD receive word 2 r2050[1] r2091.15 PROFIdrive PZD receive word 3 r2050[2] receive telegram 2 connector-binector converter p2098[0].0 p2048 Header PZD receive word 4 r2050[3] <2>...
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PROFIdrive Abtastzeit IF1 Diag send word 1...7 Refer to [1020.7] r2053[0...6] <2> p2051[0] PZD send word 1 <1> PROFIdrive send telegram p2051[1] Header PZD send word 2 Drive object 1 p2051[2] PZD send word 3 Drive object 2 p2051[3] PZD send word 4 p2051[4] Drive object n PZD send word 5...
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<6> r8890.0 PROFIdrive sampling time <6> r8890.15 <1> <4> PZD receive word 1 r8850[0] Refer to [1020.7] r8891.0 r8860[0] DWORD r8891.15 PZD receive word 2 r8850[1] r8892.0 r8860[1] DWORD PROFIBUS r8892.15 PZD receive word 3 r8850[2] PROFINET r8893.0 r8860[2] DWORD r8893.15 PZD receive word 4 r8850[3]...
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PROFIdrive sampling time r8863[0...14] <2> p8851[0] IF2 Diag send Wort 1...16 <1> <2> <1> (0)0 r8853[0...15] PZD send word 1 <4> p8861[0] DWORD p8851[1] (0)0 PZD send word 2 p8861[1] DWORD p8851[2] (0)0 PZD send word 3 p8861[2] DWORD p8851[3] (0)0 PZD send word 4 p8861[3]...
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p8888[2].0 p8848 5 binector-connector converter Free status word 3 p8882[0...15] (0.0) r8889[2] (0.0) p8888[0].0 p8888[2].15 Status word 1 p8880[0...15] (0.0) r8889[0] [15] (0.0) (0.0) p8888[0].15 p8888[3].0 [15] (0.0) Free status word 4 p8883[0...15] (0.0) r8889[3] (0.0) p8888[3].15 p8888[1].0 [15] (0.0) Status word 2 p8881[0...15] (0.0)
Page 940
PROFIdrive sampling time Signal targets for CU_STW1 <1> Refer to [1020.7] Interconnection [Function diagram] [Function diagram] Signal Meaning Inverted parameters internal control word signal target CU_STW1.0 Synchronization p0681[0] = r2090.0 CU_STW1.1 RTC PING p3104 = r2090.1 CU_STW1.2 Reserved CU_STW1.3 Reserved CU_STW1.4 Reserved CU_STW1.5...
Page 941
PROFIdrive sampling time Signal sources for CU_ZSW1 <1> Refer to [1020.7] Interconnection [Function diagram] [Function diagram] Signal Meaning Inverted parameters Internal status word signal source CU_ZSW1.0 Reserved CU_ZSW1.1 Reserved CU_ZSW1.2 Reserved CU_ZSW1.3 1 = Fault present p2081[3] = r2139.3 CU_ZSW1.4 Reserved CU_ZSW1.5 Reserved...
Page 942
PROFIdrive sampling time Signal targets for A_DIGITAL <1> Refer to [1020.7] Interconnection [Function diagram] [Function diagram] Signal Meaning Inverted parameters internal status word signal target <3> A_DIGITAL.0 Digital output 8 (DI/DO 8) <2> p0738[0] = r2091[0] <2> A_DIGITAL.1 Digital output 9 (DI/DO 9) p0739[0] = r2091[1] A_DIGITAL.2 Digital output 10 (DI/DO 10)
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PROFIdrive sampling time Signal targets for E_DIGITAL <1> Refer to [1020.7] Interconnection [Function diagram] [Function diagram] Signal Meaning Inverted parameters Internal status word signal target <3> E_DIGITAL.0 Digital input 8 (DI/DO 8) <2> p2082[0] = r0722[8] E_DIGITAL.1 Digital input 9 (DI/DO 9) p2082[1] = r0722[9] <2>...
Page 945
1. OFF2 (electrical) PROFIdrive bit <6> p0844[C] 2000.00 μs <3> <5> STW sequence ctrl p0845[C] Bit No. Control word sequence control r0898 2. OFF2 (electrical) p0840[C] 1. OFF3 (fast stop) = ON r0898.0 To the control unit [2610] <3> 0 = OFF1 <6>...
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PROFIdrive bit 2000.00 μs ZSW sequence ctrl <6> Bit No. Status word sequence control r0899 From the control unit [2610] 1 = Ready to power-up r0899.0 p2810[0] From the control unit [2610] 1 = Ready to operate (DC link loaded, pulses blocked) r0899.1 r2811.0 p2810[1]...
Page 947
p0115[3] STW setpoint channel Bit No. Control word, setpoint channel r1198 Fixed setpoint selection, bit 0 p1020[C] 1 = Fixed setpoint, bit 0 r1198.0 To fixed speed setpoints [3010.2] Fixed setpoint selection, bit 1 p1021[C] 1 = Fixed setpoint, bit 1 r1198.1 To fixed speed setpoints [3010.2] Fixed setpoint selection, bit 2...
Page 948
p0115[1] (Motor Modules) <1> 1000.00 μs <2> STW n_ctrl <1> Bit No. Control word, speed controller Servo Vector r1406 <2> Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved n_ctrl integ stop p1476[C] 1 = speed controller, hold I component r1406.4 To the speed controller [6040.4] n_ctrl integ set p1477[C] 1 = speed controller, set I component...
Page 949
p0115[1] (Motor Modules) <2> 1000.00 μs <3> ZSW n_ctrl <2> Bit No. Status word, speed controller Servo Vector r1407 <3> 1 = V/f control active r1407.0 <3> To the speed actual value and pole position From the changeover, closed-loop control types [5060.5] 1 = Sensorless operation active r1407.1 sensing, motor encoder (encoder 1)
Page 950
p0115[1] (Motor Modules) Status word closed-loop control Refer to [1020.7] ZSW closed-loop control Bit No. Meaning r0056 1 = Initialization completed r0056.0 <2> 1 = De-magnetization completed r0056.1 1 = Pulses enabled <2> r0056.2 1 = Soft starting available r0056.3 <1>...
Page 951
p0115[0] (Motor Modules) Status word closed-loop current control ZSW closed-loop Refer to [1020.7] current control Bit No. Meaning r1408 1 = Closed-loop current control active [6714.5] 1 = Lim. I comp. Id-R active <2> r1408.1 Reserved [6714.7] 1 = Limiting U active r1408.3 <2>...
Page 952
p0115[3] ZSW monitoring functions 1 Bit No. Status word, monitoring functions 1 r2197 Reserved <1> From speed signals 1 [8010.8] |n_act| <= speed threshold value 2 (p2155) r2197.1 |n_act| > speed threshold value 2 (p2155) <1> r2197.2 From speed signals 2 [8011.8] 1 = n_act >= 0 r2197.3 Reserved...
Page 953
p0115[3] (4000.00 μs) ZSW monitoring functions 2 Bit No. Status word, monitoring functions 2 r2198 Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved <1> From speed signals 2 [8011.8] 1 = |n_set| < p2161 r2198.4 From speed signals 2 [8011.8] 1 = n_set >0 r2198.5 <1>...
Page 954
PROFIdrive bit P0115[4] ZSW monitoring functions 3 Bit No. Status word, monitoring functions 3 r2199 From speed signals 1 [8010.8] 1 = |n_act| < speed threshold value 3 (p2161) <1> r2199.0 From speed signals 1 [8010.8] 1 = f or n comparison value reached or exceeded (p2141) r2199.1 Reserved Reserved...
Page 955
PROFIdrive bit 4000.00 μs STW faults/alarms Bit No. Control word, faults/alarms r2138 Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Ackn all faults p2102[C] <1> Reserved 1. Acknowledge p2103[C] <2> = Acknowledge faults r2138.7 To fault buffer [8060.1] 2. Acknowledge p2104[C] <2> Reserved 3.
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ZSW faults/alarms 1 Source sampling time Bit No. Status word, faults/alarms 1 r2139 Refer to [1020.7] 1 = Acknowledgement running r2139.0 Reserved Reserved From the fault buffer [8060.6] 1 = Fault present r2139.3 Reserved 1 = Safety signal present r2139.5 1 = Internal signal 1 present r2139.6 From the alarm buffer [8065.4]...
Page 958
p0857... p0862 POWER ON <1> Fault <2> 2000.00 μs Pulse enable with OFF1 – or & <5> . . . HW[2701.8] OFF3 S1: Power-on inhibit Drive at standstill response From all states ZSWA.06 = 1, ZSWA.11 = 0 ZSWA.00/01/02 = 0 Drive at standstill "0 = OFF"...
Page 959
Missing enable signals p0115[3] (2000.00 μs) Line contactor control Control unit Missing enable signals that prevent the drive going into operation (this situation can be detected at the ZSW sequence control, infeed r0899.2 = 1 [8926]<3>). Missing enable sig Bit Nr. Bedeutung r0046 1 = OFF1, enable missing...
Page 966
r9780 CU/r9880 MM Change safety parameters <3> Safety commissioning mode SI act_checksum CU SI set_checksum CU [2802.1][2804.1][2804.3][2810.3] r9798 p9799 --> select STO <1> Safety parameterizing enable Safety Integrated commissioning p0010 = 95 Safety parameters Safety parameters Enter password SI password input &...
Page 967
r9780 CU/r9880 MM Safety Integrated version Monitoring clock cycle STOP F->A CU r9870 r9880 r9770 r9780 p9658 STOP F->A MM p9858 F01611 [2810.3] STO terminal CU (r0722.x) Safety monitoring functions F30611 810.1] STO terminal MM (X21/22 <1>) 1 = Faults with response "NONE" (X41 <2>) STOP F [2800.3] Safety commissioning mode...
Page 968
Status word Safety Integrated Status word Safety Integrated Status word Safety Integrated r9780 CU/r9880 MM Control Unit Motor Module Control Unit and Motor Module Bit No. Status (Control Unit) r9772 Bit No. Status (Motor Module) r9872 Bit No. Status (Control Unit + Motor Module) r9773 [2810.3] 1 = STO selected on Control Unit...
Page 969
<7> Control Unit 1 = STO cause selection via terminal p0120 r9772.17 Motor Module +24 V 1 = Safety commissioning mode r9780 Control Unit 0 = Safe Torque Off CU r9880 (Motor Modules) [2800.3] p9620[0] 1 = Shutdown paths must be tested [2804.1] r0722.0 r9773.31...
Page 970
Control Unit r9780 CU Enable signals for SBC CU 1 = "SBC enabled" > 0 F07930 "Incorrect brake control" <1> Motor brake 24 V DC. Safety enable p9601 SI SBA WT CU <2> Not if: & p9622 F01630 "Incorrect safety brake control, CU" p9602 = p9802 = 0 and p1278 = 1 <3>...
Page 972
p0115[3] p1020 Fixed speed setpoint selection bit 0 Refer to [1020.7] [2505.3] r1198.0 <100> <101> 0.000 0 0 0 0 p1021 Fixed speed setpoint selection bit 1 [2505.3] r1198.1 Fixed speed setpoint 1 From -210 000.000...210 000.000 [RPM] 0 0 0 1 control word p1001[D] (0.000) setpoint...
Page 973
Mop configuration p0115[3] 0000...0111 p1030[D] (0110) Refer to [1020.7] <100> Data save active The setpoint for the motorized potentiometer is not saved and after ON is entered using p1040. <101> The setpoint for the motorized potentiometer is saved in a ashion after OFF and after ON set to the saved value. Automatic mode Ramp-function generator active Without ramp generator in automatic mode (ramp-up/ramp-down time = 0).
Page 974
Synchronization p0115[3] No OFF1 AOP30 Refer to [1020.7] & No OFF2 <100> <1> <101> No OFF3 <2> [3040.1] LOCAL REMOTE <2> p1055 Jog 1 <3> [2501.1] r0898.8 <5> [2501.3] PcCtrl active r0807.0 p1056 Jog 2 <3> [2501.2] r0898.9 <5> [2501.3] <4>...
Page 975
p0115[3] AOP30 Refer to [1020.7] <100> <1> <101> LOCAL REMOTE p1111 1 = Inhibit positive direction [2505.3] r1198.6 <2> p1110 1 = Inhibit negative direction [2505.3] r1198.5 p1113 1 = Setpoint inversion [2505.3] r1198.11 n_limit setp p1063[D] Setp after lim n_set_1 [3030.8] r1114...
Page 977
Ramp-up time Ramp-down time OFF3 ramp-down time p0115[3] 0.000...999 999.000 s 0.000...999 999.000 s 0.000...600.000 s p1120[D] (10.000) p1121[D] (10.000) p1135[D] (0.000) Refer to [1020.7] <100> <101> 0 = Internal fast stop [2634.4] p1122 1 = Bypass ramp-function generator [2505.3] r1198.15 Ramp flattening-off [3080.8]...
Page 978
OFF3 OFF3 OFF3 Ramp-up time Ramp-down time Final rounding-off Final rounding-off Ramp-down time Initial rounding-off Initial rounding-off p0115[3] 0.000...999 999.000 s 0.000...999 999.000 s 0.000...30.000 s 0.000...30.000 s 0.000...600.000 s 0.000...30.000 s 0.000...30.000 s Refer to [1020.7] p1120[D] (10.000) p1121[D] (10.000) p1137[D] (0.000) p1131[D] (0.000) p1135[D] (0.000)
Page 979
Enable ramp-function generator p0115[3] (Drive Object) from the p0115[1] (Drive Object) r0898.4 Enable speed setpoint Refer to [1020.7] Refer to [1020.7] sequence r0898.6 Jog 1 <101> control r0898.8 [2501.7] n_ctrl n_set 1/2 Jog 2 r0898.9 r1169 n_ctrl n_set 1 <5> Ramp-function generator selection p1155[C] <3>...
Page 981
<1> For rotary encoders = pulse number setting. For resolvers = pole pair number setting. <2> p0142 = p0141 for motors with DRIVE-CLiQ. <3> These parameters are automatically set. DO: VECTOR Function diagram fp_4704_56_eng.vsd - 4704 - Encoder evaluation - Raw signal sensing SINAMICS G130/G150 24.10.08 V04.03.01...
Page 982
Induction motor 1 = Sensorless operation active p0115[0] [2522.6] r1407.1 Refer to [1020.7] n_act T_smooth To basic braking control [2701.1] <4> Gearbox enc Inv encoder actual value Dir of rot 0.00...1000.00 [ms] To extended braking control [2704.1] n_act measurement p1441[D] (0.00) p0432[E] p0410.0[E] p1821[D]...
Page 990
Linear p0115[1] (Motor Modules) V_output max r0071 Refer to [1020.7] Mot V_rated p0304 V/f Eco fac act v Control type ECO-Mode r1348 p1300 Mot f_rated Flux current control (FCC) p0310 Dependent on the load current V_output max r0071 Mot V_rated p0304 [1690.4] Vf V_set independ.
Page 991
p0115[1] (Motor Modules) Refer to [1020.7] V/f slip compensation V/f resonance damping Vf gain res damp p1338 f_res damp [1690.7] – Vf T res damp p1339 Slip comp limit Iq_act p1336 r0078 [6714.4] Slip compensation Slip compensation f_slip p1335 actual value r0065 r1337 [6730.2]...
Page 996
Mot L_leakage total p0115[2] (Motor Modules) Current limiting Speed limiting r0377[M] Refer to [1020.7] U_output max [6722.1] r0071 [6723.4] Kp from speed controller [6040.5] [6724.4] Iq stall Tn from speed controller [6040.6] <4> [6725.4] calculation Current limit I_outp max Current limit var n_limit pos eff p0640[D] r0067...
Page 999
From Id_field weakening [6724] I_set T_smooth p0115[2] (Motor Modules) p1616 n_act unsmoothed r1751.0 Refer to [1020.7] [6731] from the model control r0063[0] P1750.5 p1755 2.0 * Id_setp total p1755 r1624 Mot load angle opt To current controller p0327[M] [6714] Id_inject Iq_set [6710.8] r0077...
Page 1000
U_output max Flux setpoint T_smth Fs r0071 p1584[D] p0115[2] (Motor Modules) Field weakening scal 80.0 ...120.0 [%] Refer to [1020.7] [6640.1] Mot t_excitation Flux thresh magnet p1586[D] (100.0) p0346[D] p1573[D] [6723.3] Magnetization 1 = Flux setpoint soft starting active p1401.0 r1405.4 p1570[D] Field weakening...
Page 1001
Drv filter type Pulse frequency Modulator mode Modulation depth max p0115[2] (Motor Modules) p0230 p1800 p1802 p1803 Refer to [1020.7] Calculation, max. modulation depth U_max 1 [6714.8] Modulat_depth max U_output max r0073 r0071 Field_ctrl Tn [6640.1] 10...10 000 [ms] U_reserve dyn [6722.1] p1596[D] (50) Field_ctrl output...