If there is no existing chimney then either a prefabricated blockchimney in accordancewith Building Regulations
Approved DocumentJor a twin walled insulated stainless steel flueto BS4543 can beused. Thesechimneys must
befitted in accordancewith the manufacturer's instructionsand Building Regulations.
A single wall metal fluepipe is suitable forconnecting the stoveto the chimney but is not suitable for using forthe
completechimney.Thechimney and connecting fluepipe must have a minimum diameterof 150 mm and its dimen-
sion should be not less than the size of the outlet socket of the stove.
Any bend in the chimney orconnecting fluepipe should not exceed 45°. 90° bendsshould not beused.
If it is found that there is excessive draughtin the chimney then eitheran adjustable flue damperoralternatively a
draughtstabiliser shouldbe fitted. Theadjustable flue dampershould not close off the flue entirely but should in its
closed positionleave a minimum continuousopening free area of at least 20 % of the total crosssectional area of
the flue orfluepipe.
Adequateprovisione.g.easily accessiblesootdoor ordoors must beprovidedfor sweeping the chimneyand
connecting flue pipe.
Combustiblematerials should not be located where the heat dissipating throughthe walls of fireplaces orflues could
ignite it. Thereforewhen installing the stovein the presenceof combustiblematerials dueaccount must betaken of
the guidanceonthe separation of combustiblematerial given in Building RegulationsApprovedDocumentJand also
in these stoveinstructions.
Distance to combustible materials rear
Distance to combustible materials side
Distances to flammable materials/furniture
Thehearth should be able to accommodatethe weight of the stoveand its chimney if the chimney is not
independently supported.
The WestfireUNIQ37 wood stovehas beentested and is suitable to beinstalled ona 12 mmnon combustibleplate
suchas Westfire12mm glass plates or20 mm slate plates.Installation of all hearths shouldcomply in size and con-
structionso that it is in accordancewith the provisionsof the current Building Regulations ApprovedDocumentJ.
The clearancedistancesto combustiblematerial beneath, surroundingor uponthe hearthandwalls adjacent to the
hearth shouldcomply with the guidanceonthe separationof combustiblematerial given in Building Regulations
Approved DocumentJand also in these stoveinstructions.
If the stoveis to beinstalled ona woodenfloor,it must be covered with a non-combustiblematerial at least 12 mm
thick, in accordancewith Building RegulationsApprovedDocumentJ, to a distance of 30 cm in front of the stoveand
15 cm to eachside measuring from the doorof the combustionchamber.
Combustionair supply
In orderfor the stoveto perform efficiently and safely there should be an adequateair supply into the room in
which the stoveis installed to providecombustionair. Thisis particularly necessary if the roomis double-glazed ora
flue draughtstabiliser is operatingin the same roomas the appliance. Theprovision of air supply to the stovemust
bein accordancewith current Building RegulationsApproved DocumentJ.Anopening window is not appropriate
forthis purpose.Airinlets must be positioned in sucha way that they cannot be blocked. Anair inlet may bea vent
(the vent must be openand the capacity of the vent sufficient when the stoveis lit) ora fresh air system linked to
the stove.
Thereare no Europeanrules regardingthe minimum distanceto non-flammable walls, Westfirerecommendleaving
a gap of at least 10 cm behindand to sides of stove.
All manuals and user guides at
100 mm
600 mm
825 mm
UNIQ 37 Pedestal
100 mm
600 mm
825 mm