1. FireWillNotBurn
a) the air inlet is not obstructed in any way,
b) that chimneys and flueways are clear,
that a suitable fuel is being used,
d) that there is an adequateair supply into the room,
e) that an extractorfan is not fitted in the same roomas the fire.
2. Fire Blazing Out OfControl
a) the doorsare tightly closed,
b) the air control sliders are shut downto the minimum setting,
the air control sliders are closed and that it is not prevented from closing completely by a piece of ash or debris,
d) a suitable fuel is being used,
e) the doorseals are in goodcondition.
the chimney draft may betoo strong
g) checkash panseal and
h) checkforash below ash pancausingpanto not seat correctly and clean out.
3. Sootforms onthewindow
a) The firewood may betoowet
b) the intake of secondary air may beinsufficient
fire not hot enough
4. Thestovefailstoheat fully
a) The firewood may betoowet
b) the intake of secondary air may beinsufficient
5. Smoke or odour
a) Weakchimney draft
b) checkfor blockagesin the flue pipe/chimney
checkthe height of the chimney in relation tothe surroundings
6. Sootinthechimney
a) The firewood may betoowet
b) intake of secondary air may beinsufficient
Chimney Fires
If the chimney is thoroughlyand regularly swept, chimney fires shouldnot occur.However,if a chimney fire does
occur shut the air sliders to the minimum, setting and tightly closethe doorsof the stove. Thisshould causethe
chimney fire to goout in which case the controlshould be kept at the minimum setting until the fire in the stovehas
goneout. Thechimney and flueways should then becleaned. If the chimney fire doesnot goout when the above
actionis taken then the fire brigadeshould becalled immediately.
After a chimney fire the chimney should be carefully examined forany damage. Expert advice should besought if
Permanent air vent
The stoverequiresa permanent and adequateair supply in orderforit to operatesafely and efficiently.
In accordancewith current Building Regulationsthe installer may have fitted a permanent air supply vent into the
room in which the stoveis installed to providecombustionair. Thisair vent should not underany circumstancesbe
shut off orsealed.
Properly installed, operated and maintained this stovewill not emit fumes into the dwelling.Occasionalfumes from
deashing and re fuelling may occur.However,persistent fume emission is potentially dangerousand must not be
tolerated. If fume emission doespersist, then the following immediate action should be taken:
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